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Favourite beers
What are yours?

I use to drink Heineken and when I'm at home Kiefer (the canned one)... I also rarely drink Cères...
[Image: Heineken_Beer.jpg]
[Image: n75527654970_8139.jpg]
[Image: ceres.jpg]
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My favorite beer is Original.
[Image: cerveja-original.jpg]
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My favorite beer is brahma :D
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[Image: svijany.jpg]
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KönigPilsener, Bitburger, Warsteiner
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[Image: Chimays.jpg]

the blue one :)
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I'm not a big fan of beer. I'll drink maybe, a pint, to a pint and a half (depending on the type of beer), and I'll of had enough of the taste.

[Image: jim_beam.jpg]
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[Image: moroccan_mint_tea.jpg]
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[Image: Molson_Canadian_Sub_Zero_Tower.jpg]
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Tecate Light :D
[Image: hellboy.jpg]
BTW This is a real Mexican beer not a movie prop
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Have FUN!!

[Image: captain_morgan_rum.jpg]

[Image: mgd_bottle.gif]

[Image: 2028.preview.jpg]

[Image: 633643582671504028-PabstBlueRibbon.jpg]
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[Image: heineken.gif]
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well, I must agree, anything with rum AND pirates, is a good thing.
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[Image: freibeuter_fl_SixpKopie.jpg] Freibeuter (just the rum is missing ;D)
and especially [Image: gruen_becks.gif] Becks
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Heineken ftw!

[Image: heineken1.jpg]
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I allways say the same, "Whatever except HEINEKEN!!"
Hoegaarden the White beer of course
[Image: hoegaarden.jpg]
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The best ever:

[Image: Jupiler.jpg]
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[Image: pilsner-urquell-33.jpg]
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Keystone, miller high life, bud light :D
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[Image: 9P1aYb]
We are all Canadian ;)
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[Image: 3513032530_e84779396e.jpg]
Double strength. Double awesome.

[Image: west-end-draught.gif]

[Image: oranjeboom.jpg]
If I'm feeling particularly international...

On the spirits side I've got COUGAR, BUNDY RUM, ,MCALLISTERS, DEWERS SCOTCH, SOUTHERN COMFORT, SLATE, BLACK DOUGLAS... Hate vodka with a passion.

Also impartial to some cheap wine if I'm feelin' it.
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[Image: 100_0427.jpg]
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[Image: brahma6_vA.jpg]
brahma pretty much FTW eh?
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perfect tattoo :P
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