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The Ban game!
I Ban Paul because im not into betweens !!!eleven!!!one!!!!
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I ban Paul, because I want such a thing too!

EDIT: Found the wooden case of a Kar98k in the basement of my neighbors >:D
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I ban you all for banning Paul.
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(14 Oct 11, 12:36PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: I ban Paul, because I want such a thing too!

EDIT: Found the wooden case of a Kar98k in the basement of my neighbors >:D

I ban Riceboy for unlawful banning :D

Why is you in your neighbor's basement? And wutcha gonna do with just the kar98k case???
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I Ban you all because im Duh Boss ill kill you with my toy mp40 :P
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I ban you for trying to make "I'll" rhyme with "will."
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I'll ban you if I ever get around to it.
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i ban you all because im alowed to
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I ban you for writing "i" instead of "I".
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(16 Oct 11, 12:16AM)|FOX|Exia Wrote: I ban Riceboy for unlawful banning :D

Why is you in your neighbor's basement? And wutcha gonna do with just the kar98k case???

The basement of my neighbors is mine too. We share the basement.
Hm, I don't know...make a soft-air out of it? :P
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I ban you for.... Oh screw this, I love your avatar and mods ♥
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I ban you, for not banning me!

(But thx anyways^^)
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I ban you for non-demented models
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I ban all of ya for not welcoming me back to ac. :[
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(17 Oct 11, 12:30PM)Dementium4ever Wrote:
(16 Oct 11, 12:16AM)|FOX|Exia Wrote: I ban Riceboy for unlawful banning :D

Why is you in your neighbor's basement? And wutcha gonna do with just the kar98k case???

The basement of my neighbors is mine too. We share the basement.
Hm, I don't know...make a soft-air out of it? :P

I bans you for spelling air-soft wrong o:<. Neighbor's meaning next door?
If yes: does the basement connect to both your houses?
If no: Clarify pl0x!
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We also share the same house ;)
They got the first floor, and we got the 2nd and 3rd floor.
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I ban you for banning Paul again... no not rly. I actually ban you for basements!
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I ban this thread for having nine pages.

All of the new and cool bans have been done. This thread just needs to die off now.

Sorry for being a killjoy.
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