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Good Bye AC
Obrigado a todos os desenvolvedores flowtron, RandumKiwi, Brahma!

Mr. Floppy que me ajudou a desenvolver meus mapas obrigado!

E a todos os clans amigos

Estou me despedindo do AC para sempre eu ia esperar acabar o ACWC, mas isto aconteceu muito precoce, por isto estou indo muito obrigado a todos que participou dos jogos desde 2006 até 2011, obrigado por apoiarem com o meu clan |uRs|, e nos desenvolvimentos de mapas e skins 4fun.

Adeus amigos e me desculpe se ofendi alguém, não foi minha intenção.

See you guy one day!

Bear hugs
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Lol I didn't know you, but good luck in life Pufe!
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see you next month :) but if I'm wrong good luck in your life.
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Bye, whatever you said.
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(07 Aug 11, 04:03PM)Cemer Wrote: Lol I didn't know you, but good luck in life Pufe!

Bye good luck for you too
(07 Aug 11, 04:06PM)Z-karIuS Wrote: see you next month :) but if I'm wrong good luck in your life.

no way José ever i never stoped AC but now is definitive
Bye good luck for you too
(07 Aug 11, 04:08PM)Andrez Wrote: Bye, whatever you said.

Portugues Andrez ty guy bye bye
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saw your post on facebook, think was you anyway.

good luck with whatever your doing.
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(07 Aug 11, 10:20PM)MykeGregory Wrote: saw your post on facebook, think was you anyway.

good luck with whatever your doing.

Yhank you Mike good luck for u too
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I don't really understand why you are leaving because of something that happened in the ACWC that you don't agree with, but I still wish you the best in your life :)

Boa sorte e adeus!
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translate: Thanks to all developers flowtron, RandumKiwi, Brahma!

Mr. Floppy that has helped me develop my maps thanks!

And to all the clans friends

I'm saying goodbye to AC forever I would wait the ACRWC, but this happened very early, so I'm doing great thanks to everyone who participated in the games from 2006 to 2011, thanks for support with my clan | urs |, and development of maps and skins 4Fun.

Goodbye friends and I'm sorry if I offended anyone, it was not my intention.

bye man, and good luck!
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Gay, good bye.

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Dont let the door hit you in the butt.
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