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In Game Message... Should be changed?
Hi. I think that the word SUICIDE shouldnt be used in the game at all. Not when your grenade goes BOOM nor when you type /suicide. It is too suggestive to people who might have problems. It fits better to type /respawn that /suicide IMO. Who thinks of a better way to say YOU SUICIDED than the one displayed when you die?
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What are you talking about?
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(22 May 11, 08:58PM)Mael Wrote: What are you talking about?

I'm with Mael. I don't understand this thread AT ALL.

*EDIT* oh, I think I understand. The suicide thing might bother people who have had someone close to them commit suicide. I don't think that people who play this game relate the two. I may be wrong, but I have had people close to me (my grandfather being one) commit suicide, and I never even related the two. I think you are being a little over-sensitive, considering the whole game is built around shooting and slashing and bombing each other.
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(22 May 11, 08:58PM)Mael Wrote: What are you talking about?

I refer to this sorry if i dont explain well enough as I am Spanish. i think it should be changed.
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No need to say sry m8.

Interesting post, how one would go about changing though?

Suicide being to suggestive for younger players.
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I see now. /respawn would be a little more sensitive. It should be made clear in the console that you receive a penalty for /respawning.
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For command "/suicide" i think "/respawn" is correct substitution, for message "You suicided!" we could use "Try again!" or just "You're dead!".
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I can't help shouting LOOOL here. Sorry, but in a game where the main purpose is to kill other "people" (well, in non-flag modes) you have a problem with a message saying "you suicided"? Is shooting at others not "too suggestive for younger players"? Come on.
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Typical, someone wants to talk about something, it gets laughed at. -_-

I think this topic holds water. Your gonna laugh at him... obviously he's isn't bringing this up to just spam. So we laugh, w/e. I guess some people are much moar superior than others in this community.
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@Boomhauer thats right but I just get the feeling that it has to be changed!
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(22 May 11, 09:30PM)tempest Wrote: I can't help shouting LOOOL here. Sorry, but in a game where the main purpose is to kill other "people" (well, in non-flag modes) you have a problem with a message saying "you suicided"? Come on.

I wouldn't expect most people to understand the feeling that word produces because most people never attempted suicide, or wanted to, or knew someone who did.

I feel eerie sensation whenever I see or hear that word. It feels like the air has gelled and there is a difficult tension even when I'm the only one around.

Every time I type /suicide I think about how close I came. I'd thought about making a similar suggestion but never did. Now that someone else has I fully support it.
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{BoB}vern suggests YOU GIBBED YOURSELF and i think it fits perfectly!
@ vern Yeah man some people dont really attend to others necessities.
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Why is this the only game that it's a problem in? :P C'mon, now. I've had three people at my high school commit suicide and I don't have a problem with it saying that.
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Nobody said this was the only game it was a problem in. It's a sensible courtesy for those who have an issue with it.
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Yes, it seems a bit silly, and I don't believe that it's that big of a problem, but there is no special attachment to the /suicide command either. What I'm saying is, it won't hurt to change it, though it might hurt to leave it the same.
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(22 May 11, 09:47PM)Mael Wrote: It's a sensible courtesy for those who have an issue with it.

And who says I don't/didn't? But I'm still fully aware of this being a game. And if you start with that, you won't come to an end. Let's think about some other terms.

How about "you fragged ..."?
Wikipedia Wrote:Frag is a computer and video game term originating from the word fragging, a term indicating to kill an unpopular superior officer with a fragmentation grenade.
Nice, eh?

And "gib" doesn't sound so nice either if you think about it. More like butcher's waste.

Mael Wrote:I feel eerie sensation whenever I see or hear that word.
Wait, and you don't feel something similar if you shoot someone in the face with a shotgun (in-game ofc)?
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lol I don't think it'd be too hard to change the one word. Replace "suicide" with "respawn" i a text editor. You have a good point. My alternatives: respawn, die. "You respawned and lost a kill!" "You died" "You respawned" "You respawned successfully"
@tempest you are right but those terms are usually used in games not regualarly IRL. Its better than killed
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All the trolls and nay sayers can get bent. We aren't talking about a game here, more like people lives. I'd swear some have a big FUCK YOU tattooed across their forehead. People struggle with this issue, why say dumb shit and make it worse? You couldn't go troll some other thread?

My suggestion, don't play FPS, and don't expect anything civil in these forums. Also, lets not bitch and moan about this for days, just close the sob, and say, FU, its not getting changed.
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What about "you gibbed yourself"?
Anyways, seriously..... People with those kinds of problem won't be affected influenced by AC... If they want to kill themselves, they'll do.
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(22 May 11, 10:08PM)tempest Wrote: How about "you fragged ..."?
Wikipedia Wrote:Frag is a computer and video game term originating from the word fragging, a term indicating to kill an unpopular superior officer with a fragmentation grenade.
Nice, eh?

And "gib" doesn't sound so nice either if you think about it. More like butcher's waste.

"Frag" and "gib" distance the player from their fictional actions. There are no polite options for describing what is occurring in this game. Call it a frag, kill, whatever you like it's still killing because that is partially the objective of the game. Suiciding can be replaced sensibly by respawning.

(22 May 11, 10:08PM)tempest Wrote: Wait, and you don't feel something similar if you shoot someone in the face with a shotgun (in-game ofc)?

No because I have no personal experience with it. If I or a relative of mine were the victim of gun violence I would surely have an emotional reaction and likely wouldn't play this game.
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Ventex, tempest, Andrez...

you feel better now that you trolled? You don't seem to care much about other people huh?
Or getting your rocks off is more important!

This guy is having problems in his life, wat do you say, cmon, LOL, get over it, FU. You could just say, "give me the gun, I'll do it for ya!!!!!!
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Vern, from what I can see, the only one trolling here is you. (And me, because that seems to be the only way I can discuss).

In good earnest: if someone has RL problems, we can't help them by changing a command in an FPS. I'm sure of that. Or do you really think I (or any of the other people here) are as insensitive as you described? I sure hope not.
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Just don't want to hear the truth. I guess sometimes it hurts S:
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(22 May 11, 10:23PM)vern Wrote: Ventex, tempest, Andrez...

you feel better now that you trolled? You don't seem to care much about other people huh?
Or getting your rocks off is more important!

This guy is having problems in his life, wat do you say, cmon, LOL, get over it, FU. You could just say, "give me the gun, I'll do it for ya!!!!!!
How on Earth am I trolling?

I said what I think. I don't really think anyone who has suicide tendencies is going to kill himself just because he read "you suicided" on AC.....

There are certainly hundreds of reasons to commit suicide before a message from a game. Get real.
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(22 May 11, 10:29PM)tempest Wrote: In good earnest: if someone has RL problems, we can't help them by changing a command in an FPS. I'm sure of that. Or do you really think I (or any of the other people here) are as insensitive as you described? I sure hope not.
@tempest & andrez: Every little thing helps. Minor details ARE important.
@Trolls: You cant help if you dont want to help. Its very easy.
@everyone else: I think we all agree it might make a better game experience to replace the S word with this two commands. /respawn for respawning and YOU GIBBED YOURSELF for self-frags. Its an easy choice that not affects the gameplay whatsoever. The last point made by Mael is explicit enough to ignore the people who are way above their heads. Ill quote it :
(22 May 11, 10:19PM)Mael Wrote: No because I have no personal experience with it. If I or a relative of mine were the victim of gun violence I would surely have an emotional reaction and likely wouldn't play this game.

Well said, we have been killing people on videogames for years and havent gone ape-shit (most of us) but suicide is something that affects you on the inside.

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Nobody is claiming that someone will be persuaded to commit suicide because of a game.

The point is, it would be illogical to echo "You scored a touchdown!" each time you fragged someone because this game has nothing to do with [American]football. Therefore it makes sense to include the phrase "You fragged x" even though it implies the loss of a life at the hands of another person because that is the objective of the game. As long as you are supposed to kill other players it makes sense to leave that phrase.

But suiciding in this game need not be suiciding. Suiciding is not the objective; it will not harm the logic of the game to change the suicide action to a respawn action with the penalty of one death.

The difficulty of making this change is how do you handle genuine, accidental suicides via grenade?

Edit: "You gibbed yourself" is a good middle ground. It's not perfect but better than the current solution.
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It will be discussed of course, and chances are it will be changed due to the sensitivity of the word/subject. Lets leave it at that for now. ;)

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Let's leave it at this for now:
Open autoexec.cfg for editing and put this in there:
alias respawn [suicide]
And you'll never have to type /suicide again.
As for self-gibbulation, ...what everyone else said.
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