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Hi i'm new here
Lul no im not.
Just wanted to say hi. Im going to be somewhat active again.

by the way. WHY DID YOU CHANGE THE STARTING MAP FROM COMPLEX?!?!?!? its so confusing to start the game and then be in an other map.
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It's randomized which official map the game launches in unless you use the --loadmap client switch.

hf gl happy fragging :)
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@Gibstick: Every time I see that documentation, I swear I get misty-eyed and can't suppress a smile.
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RandumKiwi worked hard on this for the docs.
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Welcome back!

Tuu takas TyDii :P
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hi iam new here


:D Nice to see players returning!
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Hi 'new here', I've never seen anybody named that before!

I'm Polusive, though sometimes I'm hungry, tired, sad, happy or bored - I go by many aliases.
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hey polar
i swear i havn't seen you play since .93
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Polar you are crazy :)
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I remember my first flame war was with you <3 Welcome back to activeness sexi
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