Admin power abuse
While playing on the sod server I was banned by a mod(Sod Puccio), for no reason other then accidently tking him once. I would like to know if there is any action I can undertake against this.
All info greatly apreciated.
Thanks in advance:
Te Occidam
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If you have a demo of the incident upload it to a site and paste the link to the download here. If not then there really isn't much anyone can do if there is no evidence of what happened other than your word vs theirs.
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Seriously, just don't play there. Add it to your 'hate' list by pressing 3 in the server browser if it makes you feel more like an empowered modern woman.

Or even better, you could start your own server and wait on it under alias until your nemesis arrives, then BAM! Bring down the banhammer. Feels good huh?
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Its really more of a matter between you and puccio, as well as the SoD clan. Find their forums and deal with it there. They have a CTF douze 24/7 server anyways so pfff.

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That was uncalled for Bloodsport, he's just asking what to do, no need to be a smart ass with him, just tell him not to connect to that server without the attitude.
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well, I was just describing what I would have done. I thought the whole server and ban thing was the community accepted way of handling these matters.
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This admin should not host the server if he/she didnt know how to use the admin power wisely
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Admins aren't necessarily the hoster. Nice gravedig btw.

But it's up to the server owner to decide what to do
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It is not the first time that "puccio" does that.......I think he's stupid.....just let it go
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I think Puccio has been blacklisted several times because of unmature behaviour.
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/close thread ?
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If he is owner --> ban server, if he is only admin --> ban player. But you need some proof to show you don't lie. So some screenshot or demo.
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do u kno how to set admin 4 ur server ??

Mod edit'd to protect common sanity.
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Not using BBCode tags, if that's what you're trying.
You can use the command line arguments or the server password file.
Have fun reading TFM! :D
Also make sure to post a new thread for a new problem next time.
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what?!? what is the point of even being admin when you can't ban whoever kills you?
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If its your server, don't you have every right to ban everyone for no reason? I call it abuse if it isn't their server. Don't like that an admin banned you on their own server for what seems to be no reason? Then don't play on it ever again.

Can someone define exactly what AC admin abuse really is besides my own definition? Or did I get it sorta...
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If you are a dick with admin your server should be removed from the masterserver
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Guys, I am now noticing that puccio is enforcing the maps he want to play and he even kick people with no reason why he kick them even though he said in chat console. I am seeking SOD clan website and talking to the owner of the clan so he will be aware of this issue.
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Hello, im SOD co leader
and whould only say that i apologize for Puccio.
He has no more longer a password for our server.
furthermore He is immediately thrown out of our clan.
Sorry again.. we wants to be taken seriously
and do not need admin abuse like Puccio

P.s: my english is not perfect but i hope u know what i mean

Greetz DAV!O
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Since this topic have been answered and solved, this thread will be closed by the moderator of the forums very soon.

Mod edit: Inb4lock
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Hm, V-Man didn't even lock it.

Hm, ok.

Question answered/issue solved.
Please dont abuse admin, or people will "abuse" you.
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Why don't you lock it? :D
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Because MyBB didn't like me checking the box.
(true story, I remember specifically locking it :P)
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