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=MyS= Finland Private Servers.
Hello all, as most of you know Our germany servers have some spikes now and then... ( problem with the company). Therefor I would like Gladly to introduce our newest =MyS= servers hosted @ Finland.


100% Lagless

Stable pings

Mastermode2 is possible

Private servers

=MyS= Server Finland #1 - /connect fi.mysick.tk 28763

=MyS= Server Finland #2 - /connect fi.mysick.tk 28765

=MyS= Server Finland #3 - /connect fi.mysick.tk 28767

Author of the servers: Seriffi=MyS=

Have a nice day & enjoy our servers.

Incase it says couldnt connect, just retry acouple times and it should work.
Thanks given by:
(12 Apr 11, 01:55PM)BunnySoul Wrote: 100% Lagless

Lies! I get like 200ms lag.
Thanks given by:
