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Premier AC League !!!
Make sure you dont miss last change :

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Are we allowed to place bets down?! *whips out $20*
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second week starts and new hot fights.
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Sunday 10-11 PM BME VS MyS ( GMT+2)
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Update to Week4 ? ^-^
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not sure people need it here.

But remind, all info here : League Page

Channel in IRC : #PremierLeague at Gamesurge

PS: Today we have added specification in rules about maps bugs ...

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Today !
7PM GMT Time
match BoB vs dR on ACtv

press to know GMT time

ACtv Gibstick channel : http://www.own3d.tv/Gibstick
ACtv SKB channel : http://own3d.tv/SKB
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match BoB vs dR http://www.own3d.tv/live/43990/ACtv-SKB NOW !
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You guys make my day!

Ideas stolen from Destruction Leagues and people is even clapping him... hahahahahaha, congratulations!

Anyway, if Vlad's conscience can handle the stuff above, I truly hope Vlad the best with this project and to it's participants.

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(22 May 11, 05:10PM)Dade Wrote: You guys make my day!

Ideas stolen from Destruction Leagues and people is even clapping him... hahahahahaha, congratulations!

Anyway, if Vlad's conscience can handle the stuff above, I truly hope Vlad the best with this project and to it's participants.


I think he already did.
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(22 May 11, 05:10PM)Dade Wrote: You guys make my day!

Ideas stolen from Destruction Leagues and people is even clapping him... hahahahahaha, congratulations!

Anyway, if Vlad's conscience can handle the stuff above, I truly hope Vlad the best with this project and to it's participants.


Sorry, i dont know you and i dont remember Destruction leagues.
[ok, i find it. Yes same rules, what are you wating from me ??? ]

It not commercial action and nobody's intellectual property, so i dont see reason to say that i stole anything. League structure is classic football and clan match rules.

ps: and nobody clapping to me.
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And where was the Destruction League idea stolen from? Srsly... As if such leagues were a totally new invention. "Ideas stolen from Destruction Leagues", WTF? That would be utterly ridiculous, if it wasn't so dumb.
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As far I know - and I have been advised - Destruction Leagues where the first attempt focused on gaming competivity and match coverages on the AC scene (don't know why just focusing on the rating system rather than the ideas behind the league, but if willing we can talk about the slight similarity on exact phrases of the ruleset). It's not that hard to spot, if instead of a competition we will be discussing about a mod, people will surely focus it easier...

Anyway I'm not blaming excessively on Vlad, who is free to 'make the mistake' and not get enough information before launching a project, but on all the 'mass' that weren't going to participate on Destruction Leagues because of 'crappy ruleset' and now is participating with an exact - more restrictive & arbitrary, in my opinion - copy of the ruleset. The 'clapping metaphor' is just my own way to express my disappointment and surprise with those clans and players attitude.

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(23 May 11, 02:17AM)Dade Wrote: As far I know - and I have been advised - Destruction Leagues where the first attempt focused on gaming competivity and match coverages on the AC scene

Umm... w00p had them beat by umm... 3 years? maybe more?
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(23 May 11, 02:25AM)Viper Wrote: Umm... w00p had them beat by umm... 3 years? maybe more?

Did they have a whole team backing up an entire competition of 3 months with the possibility of match commentators?
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what do you want ? Do you want to show, that nice guys with nick Dade made same rules in January ? Well done, man.

ps: we made this league 6 week ago, you totaly late with you attacks.
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Dade, you really need to get up to date with what you're about to say before you start a flame war, lol...

It still doesn't matter who made it first or not, and there's no such thing as someone copying another tournament. Like Vlad mentioned, it's just like a classic football match rules. It's like saying that the English Premier league is copying the Spanish Primera cause both have the system that the team in 1st place wins. Is anyone from these leagues copying each other? No, it's just a system both decided to use. w00p had been alive way more than than ED, and they even held competitions back in 0.93 as well.

Stop with the unnecessary insults and go do something more productive for God's sake.
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@Vlad: my only objective was to express my disappointment... nothing more nothing less. As I told on previous posts, I truly hope you and your league all the best because - despite any fact - I personally know the effort it means to manage a competition.

@Wolf: Really dude, your problem is now worrying me. If you don't understand what has been typed by others, why commenting it?. I never talked about the rating system/format, I've just pointed slight similarities on rulesets and ideas behind the league/competition that as far I know weren't developed by anyone on AC (nor w00p). Again, as time ago, maybe you completely understand the posts and are just trying to switch the discussion to something different...

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Half of League done ... and we are going to make second half :

latest news
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Vlad, good luck with the league! Are there spots to sit?
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week #8 finished and soon table will be updated, but its not main topic now.

I got litle suprise for you !

From today im recruting journalist team, that will reflect league here and in tas site !

Welcome to our journalist :

1. titiPT (first :P)

So now dont suprise if somebody will ask you about interview or you will see, that your clan is claims for a victory ... :D

Interveiws, reviews will be posted :
1. http://tas-clan.com/
2. and right here !

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First article here: http://tas-clan.com/node/278

Read and comment :)
Hope you enjoy it, i'll be writing more the following days.
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For a long time I did not update the information here, but nevertheless tournament proceeds. Before the tournament ending remains only three weeks and in the table the intrigue till now remains - the best clans will fight to the last ;)

And Im happy to inform that official wiki page of Premir League finished : Link

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