Alliance team

je vous écrit c'est pour demandez si une team veux faire alliance avec nous attention on veux pas une team a 3 personne dedans non nous on veux une team actif et qui veux tous faire pour elle progrès rapidement pour votre demande alliance contactée nous sur le forum :

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Err durr burr. English only please.
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I am writing to ask if it's a team we want to ally with attention we want not a team in a 3 person we no we want an active team and all who want to make it progress quickly to your request alliance contacted us on Forum:

Thank you
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Google translator. lol. Maybe this is subject for another forum category...?
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We will be your allies?
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i want to caress tarquin's snow white skin and adjust his glasses to the correct position
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Undead, I am apologetic that your whim cannot be fulfilled. It appears to be that a player named carglass has purloined tarquin's glasses and snow white skin, thus you will not have the ability to fondle nor adjust his glasses. My condolences.
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