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1.1 Appreciation Thread.
In light of the recent 1.1 bashing threads, I decided to make an appreciation thread.

Basically, what you like about 1.1, some positives, ect. ect.

I love the anticheat system.
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I love the air-crouch, how now AR is sexier, and the edge-jump :)
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I love the fact that i joined AC on 1.1, so i was either crazy, or i liked it.
I still love it!
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I love the shotgun noobs
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I love the sniper camps
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Crouch and edge jumping is just awesome fun
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Crouch in the air (enter in windows I was not able before!), 3 nades max/1 per pick up (more tactics, less spam) and carbine (more, more, more!!).
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I love the Achievement Script <3<3<3

I also love the Spec-mode
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Oh yes, the plethora of new scripts would not be possible because of one single thing: conline!!!!!

I love the tutorial demo x)
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I love the new weapon balance changes. Back in 1.04 I pretty mostly used the sniper rifle, it always just felt superior. Now I cycle through all the weapons and they all feel even and usable.
That paired with the new font gives the game a fresh, new, polished feel. Good job, devs.

Also scope showing up in demos/spectator mode = <3
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I love the V-Mans <3

I also love the maps, not really. Older version maps were better.
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Aside from the crappy graphics? I like everything else, minus the nades and the de-pimped smg.
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Love the lack of blatant hackers.
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I just like the whole game really. Hate how the only servers up are either the douze servers or those nooby CeW servers though. It's really hard to get a good game of CTF nowadays :/ I liek how I own at desert TOSOK as well, lol.
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i like the guns balance, the nades, the jumping in air, no hackers, hate the mapping restricitions.
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(10 Mar 11, 10:24PM)Elven Wrote: I also love the maps, not really. Older version maps were better.

Appreciation thread, appreciation thread is the key topic. ;)
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boom de ah dah, boom de ah dah, boom de ah dah, boom de ah dah.
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I love 1.1

It s far better than the other version in all aspects.

I specially like that all weapons are now playable.
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(10 Mar 11, 11:54PM)Lantry Wrote: boom de ah dah, boom de ah dah, boom de ah dah, boom de ah dah.

Darn, you beat me to it! :-P
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crouch jumping
anti cheat (does that still work?)
and OK balancing.
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Anti-cheat is still in effect, unless GUI server is being used, then it's up to the server admins to moderate.
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*hi five Lantry*
I started playing AC in 1.1 too. I remember that fateful night when I went, "Well, Cube is fun. This looks pretty dang different, but I might as well add it to my library of open source games. I probably won't end up playing it that much though..."

Thank you AC devs.

p.s. I like my 1.1 with a nice sauvignon blanc
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It is supposed to look like this:
Boom de Yata
Boom de Yata
Boom de Yata
Boom de Yata
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also, 'boom de ah da' gets 4,380,000 results, 'boom de yata' gets only 43,100.

though, of course, the important part is how it sounds, and they both sound too alike to really tell the difference.
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(10 Mar 11, 10:30PM)MorganKell Wrote: I like everything else, minus the nades and the de-pimped smg.

I particularly enjoy the new /kick 1 hekilledmewithhisgun
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It's because of Yata!
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