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JS Sniper Scopes
Wanted to make a scope that had the feel of an ACOG scope, and one that had some depth to it.

The scope is just a lil smaller than the default one, being that it is rectangle/squared shape.

Some of them you will have to try in game to get the real feel of the scope, images are different in game, compared to the forum images.

Some have colored lenses, Blue, Green, Red, and also Black. ( there are clear lenses also ) A few have a semi lens, to give it a high tech feel.

There are many different variation that can be done, i just made a few for EX. and if you like the scope, i can alter some to a users specification.

This is my first scope, and some of them ive tested more than other, so some may need more work, but constructive criticism is welcome.

Just save image and put it in your misc folder in your ac folder, and rename it scope.

Scope 4 color
Scope 5 color
Scope 6 color
Scope 7 Blood
Scope 8 Cross Hair
Scope 9 Cross Hair
Scope 10 SemiLens
Scope 11 SemiLens
Scope 12 SemiLens
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* V-Man gives two big-toes up
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Love em.
I'm gonna use either the one with blood or scope 1.
Good job Joe :D
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v41: "Good Job Team!"
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Nice scopes!

At first glance, they do look like they won't work/look bad in-game... Buut.... try them out if you haven't. You'll be surprised :o
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I <3 it

best scope mod in a while?
F1 or F2
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F2 these suck!
/no offense

I am new but I can have an opinion.

* Neon votes Gerinamo's scope!

:P i would give link but akimbo is down. =/
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Neon, can you possibly stick to one account?

Besides that, everybody can have an opinion, but only stupid people can't explain them.
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I just wanted to see what would happen if a random person came and had an opinion and see what people would say. I'm sorry for any misunderstandings although how is this bad?

anyway JoeSmith's scopes are really top notch mods good job joe!
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Seriously, I don't give a damn about opinions from people who have no clue what things are about.

Freedom of speech has nothing to do with an all-round-allowance for excessive bullshitting.
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I like that they are square, I am going to use the blood splattered one for sure.
Great job :)
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Thanks guys, if you see anything that may need improving just let me know, i know the blood one needs some transparency work.

--Note again scopes are different in game then on the forums. Due to the transparency of the lens and scope its self.

Thanks Mr.Floppy for handling you know what.

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rectangular scopes kinda make sense (ingame, not rl), now that i think about it. after all, my screen is rectangular.
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Great work Joe, I downloaded and tested them all and the semi-lens scopes I found were easier to help time a gib by using the inside rectangle edge as a guide to know when to press the trigger. Also, the coloured lenses are pretty sweet too but my favorite of them all has to be the blood scope, it looks awesome.

v11 "Yes", v41 "Good Job Team!"
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Awesome :D
Green one is in use right now.
It's a nice alternative to the current "perfect" scope.
As a request, could you make one that is just slightly off true colour?
Not as much as the coloured ones but more than the clear

(I'm not going to v** this ;D)
Nice one :)
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Cool! They all look really smooth, what'd you use to make them?
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(04 Mar 11, 02:13PM)Frogulis Wrote: Awesome :D
Green one is in use right now.
It's a nice alternative to the current "perfect" scope.
As a request, could you make one that is just slightly off true colour?
Not as much as the coloured ones but more than the clear

(I'm not going to v** this ;D)
Nice one :)

the top three are 80% black transparent.

(04 Mar 11, 02:56PM)Mikey Wrote: Cool! They all look really smooth, what'd you use to make them?


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