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Server denied your call.
Hi there.

I was just chilling playing AC that day when, BOOM.
I have a reason to kic someone,.
First I put an invalid reason.
So I'm like "Meh, this guy doesn't deserve to be here. He's out."
So then I was like "/ban 2 gtfo"
And then the server took a shit on me :O
"The server denied your call"
No. You did just not do that.
So I raged quietly to myself.
But yes, This happened twice on two different servers for both kick and ban votes.

Note: This was on |oNe|Zephyr and some crap map server.
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As a coder you should be more aware of this than me, but the server has a parameter to change whether or not players can be kicked/banned for an 'invalid' reason, by a non-admin.
Effectively this means the server owner doesn't trust you, as a non-admin, to make that kind of decision. I'm not having a go at the server owner; I have the same setting. And I'm not saying you're irresponsible; sometimes it seems there are too many vote abusers to risk leaving it 'open'.
An 'invalid' reason means that the player concerned isn't obviously lagging, TKing or spamming, and has a low ratio. Now, we don't know why you wanted to kick/ban, but I have no reason to suspect it was frivolous, so it's possible the 'valid' vote detection needs some tweaking. Maybe some specifics would help? For example, I banned a player because he joined the server and made a racist joke. This wouldn't have been covered by the 'valid' reasons so I considered myself fortunate to have an admin password.
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Happened to me too some days ago, same thing. Probably one of those kick/ban conditions Brahma talked about before, but not sure.
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yes, but it makes people rage more than it avoid kick / ban abuse. It often "denies" your call even if you are going to kick a lagger or a tker.
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i hate it when it says "you voted too many times"
WHO the hell decides that there will be less then 1 hacker/cheater/lagger/TKer per game?
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When you attempt to call a vote with an invalid reason, the server blocks it and then makes it less likely for a vote to be allowed immediately after.
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imo voting permission system should be less complicated... the voting system itself avoids abuse partially. Also, they're some kinds of abuse the server isn't able to detect.
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Well, Brahma had the "deny weak reasons" on by default at first - luckily he listened to RK and me when we told him the community would hate that. But the option is there, so some servers may have it activated.
One of the things I've got glaring at me from my TODO-list is to improve the serverbrowser to give you an indication of such settings before you join it.
Please don't ask me when this will be done - definitely not for the upcoming release; probably months till there's anything for you to see! :-/
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It is nice to know some server owners use this tool.


As all automatic tools, it is not perfect... it can really be enhanced.
But, we (as server owners) must judge what is better. If the server always have admins moderating it (it is not the case in the majority of the servers I used to play), we do not need such a system...
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it wont let me kick myself on my own server when I didn't have admin for hacking (i wasn't hacking just put that reason)...
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this is to avoid self-kick-by-accident... you need a *strong* reason to kick yourself :)
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Is this setting automatically on in the servercmmdline? Or am I wrong?
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no... you must set... the default is off
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So it's basically an extra feature for servers?

@Jamz: This guy logged in under 'A.Hitler' and if that isn;t bad enough he managed to reach -13 :|
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"Hitler" isn't hard-coded denial?
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The feature doesn't even work right. With -Pwkb I still can't ban as a normal user unless the server detects something valid to kick for. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=det...tid=697089
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The servers don't like you.

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(01 Mar 11, 11:34PM)Brahma Wrote: this is to avoid self-kick-by-accident... you need a *strong* reason to kick yourself :)

hacker isn't strong reason?
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Not if the server/anti-cheat aren't detecting hacking.
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Oh and of course we tested using ANOTHER person . . . I did not mistakenly try to ban myself the whole time. :)
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(02 Mar 11, 04:12PM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: Not if the server/anti-cheat aren't detecting hacking.

Never heard of that happening.
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