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scope visisble size restrictions?
i was thinking about making my own scope for the sniper and i was wondering how much visible area is allowed
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Not too much, not bigger than the orignal scope I believe
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Like MaiMeeTur said, roughly the same size as the stock scope.png. Any bigger and you'll notice the (quite ugly) masking job added in 1.1 to prevent illegal scopes from being effective.
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if you want to see the mask, just create a blank image and put it in for the scope.
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Here is a blank, template scope.png that about perfectly hides the mask while giving as much visible area as possible (for you modders and whatnot, no credits necessary, public domain, w/e):

[Image: 25hipht.png]
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(03 Mar 11, 07:12AM)Bukz Wrote: Here is a blank, template scope.png that about perfectly hides the mask while giving as much visible area as possible (for you modders and whatnot, no credits necessary, public domain, w/e):

[Image: 25hipht.png]

thank you
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