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multiplayer isn't working
Hello everyone. I dowloaded the assualt cube package from the ubuntu software center, and it installed itself and runs just fine. The problem is that when I select multiplayer, only a box with ping , server, and other stuff written in it that I can scroll over. how do I find the list of servers to join, or is it supposed to be in that box? Please help
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I would assume that the Ubuntu package is still out of date. You could check this by typing /version in-game; it should be 1104.
You can download the current version here.
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The Ubuntu repo's version is out of date, download the latest version from the link at the top of the page.

Maybe the old masterserver link should be redirected to a page pointing this out.
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I downloaded it and looked at the files, and its just a list of files (demos, multiplayer, etc) so how do I actually install it?

PS I am no tech geniouse and there's a download in the software center that says assault cube data files
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Don't use the repos!11!!11!! Just extract to wherever and run assaultcube.sh.
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I extracted the assaultcube.sh file to the ubuntu desktop. I right clicked and selected run. A window popped up that said it was an executable text file. I clicked the run button and nothing happens. like I said before, I am no tech guy
whats a repo anyway?
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Maybe it means you made the file "run" away?
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Don't ask for the "supo".
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Download the latest version from here
Extract all of the files to a folder, then go into it and run assaultcube.sh
Hope it works :)
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