Keyboard question
I just got a new laptop that has a keypad on the right side. Problem is, to edit maps you need to use the [Home] and [End] keys to change wall textures. Those two keys are the same as my 7 and 1, respectively. 9 and 3, which is [PgUp] and [PgDn] work fine. I have seperate [Ins] and [Del] keys. Any solutions?

Also, to enable/disable the keypad, I use [NumLk]. Even with it on or off, it still doesn't work.
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Try those keys with FN held down.
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You actually can bind the required commands to any key you like. Have a look at your /configs-folder, there's a keymap sort of, where you can look for the missing keys and what command are bound to them.
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I have tried with the FN key held down. Nothing.

Okay, so I could change them all to like, [U], [M], etc?

I'll have to do that, then.

[EDIT]: I looked in the config file, exactly how do I do this? By this, I mean change them to other keys, that I can use.

Also, I have one more off-topic question:

Is it 'legal' to change the one-minute remaining music, to like one of my mp3 songs?
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You can change them to whatever you like, but make sure you don't destroy your other ones. Check keymap.cfg and resetbinds.cfg in your config folder for information. To bind a key, use

bind KEY [command]

for example, bind S [backward]

Even better though, to change textures just hold Z or X and scroll (I forgot which one it was for wall textures - just try both, while looking at a wall).

edit: it's X for walls and Z for ceiling/floor.
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Here's what I did:

I opened up the 'resetbinds' file, and changed all of the 'edittex * *' to my respective keypad nos. Now I am trying to save it, and it wouldn't let me save it in the /program files/assaultcube/etc/etc. I saved it in my documents, and pasted it into said folder.

Now I went into AC, reset my keybinds to the [custom] default settings, and it works. SUCCESS!

Thanks a bunch. BTW, I backed up the original 'resetbinds' in case anything goes wrong.
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(16 Feb 11, 12:58AM)Parabyte Wrote: BTW, I backed up the original 'resetbinds' in case anything goes wrong.
We need more newcomers with the your IQ.

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(16 Feb 11, 01:13AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote:
(16 Feb 11, 12:58AM)Parabyte Wrote: BTW, I backed up the original 'resetbinds' in case anything goes wrong.
We need more newcomers with the your IQ.

Nooo! Don't edit resetbinds.cfg. Sure, you backed it up, but you're supposed to just put the binds in autoexec.cfg :P
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I agree with wolf. Thank god that you unlike most dont have the omfg!!! WTF MY TEXTURES/MODELS/BINDS/MAPS/ETC ARE ALL GONE!!!!! moment.
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Just put any media you want to replace inside your game-home - you practically never need to change anything inside the installation-directory! Just reproduce the directory-structure and put the file in it's place. E.g. You installed the game to C:\Programs\AssaultCube and pass "--home=C:\This\Is\My\AC" - then you put your personal configuration CubeScript into C:\This\Is\My\AC\config\autotexec.cfg. The same goes for stuff like the 1-Minute-Remaining song - that'd go to C:\This\Is\My\AC\packages\audio\songs - then either re-use the "pingpong\08-pp-headshot.ogg" or "ac.ogg" file-name/-path .. or provide your own config\sounds.cfg with modified entries for those so you can keep the files named like what they are .. it's quite easy, even if I can't make it sound like it :-P
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