map making problem
When im making a map and the 15 min. runs out the screen just goes black, so i turn the screen off and back on (its a laptop so it logs you out) and it it say fatal error and thats it.
so now i cant make maps
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idk about the error, but when you go and play a game and then exit a server, then you type /map name, then it will open your map in that game mode and start the time 15min, when the 15 mins is up, it will start over again and you could lose whatever progress you where working on unless you saved.


if you go into ac without going online, and type in /map name, it wont open your map up in a game mode and there will be no time displayed, so with no time counting down, there wont be a new game mode to start.

thats what i know about the 15mins thing, the error i dont.

but what is your resolution, and what graphics card to you use and OS. from other experiences, since the 15mins is up and starts s new game mode, and makes the screen flash, if your resolution is to high, the graphics card can error, cuz it may not be able to handle the resolution when the game switches to another game mode, cuz of the screen flashes.

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Also try /coop which has no time limit.
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thank you Gibstick
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