Some content missing in AC
I have a problem that any map i open there is some missing content
can you tell me how to recover the content.
I'm getting this problem since I used system restore to recover some files.
[Image: 20110124060357aciceroad.jpg]

Uploaded with
[Image: 20110124060441acsnowctf.jpg]
[Image: 20110124060250headshotc.jpg]
[Image: 20110124060241headshotc.jpg]
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Have you tried a simple search to locate the files?
If you find them, make sure they're in the location the game is telling you it expects.
If the files aren't on your computer anymore, you may have to reinstall. D:
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yes i have tried the files are not there and even a fresh installation of AC didn't help
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Even when you freshly install AC, those files aren't there?? Crap!
What OS are you using?
If it's Windows, try selecting a different install location.
If it's Mac, wait for Ronald_Reagan to come slap us for our ignorance.
If it's Linux, try hitting ctrl+h to see hidden files.
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If its a mac delete your AC and download AC again. if its still not working then you should check to see if the texture files (which it looks like you're missing) are in the right folder [packages/textures] . Im sure this exactly the same for windows cant say about linux.
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He just did all that and still has a problem...
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he didnt replace the texture folder did he? If nothing works just replace them manually it should work.
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Viper, deleting the file will work for mac.
The media is all stored in this neat little application (really folder).
[Image: iconf.png]
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Now the problem is more severe.
'could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header"contiues till i quit the game
E:\AssaultCube_v1.1.0.4>bin_win32\ac_client.exe --home="?MYDOCUMENTS?\AssaultCube_v1.1" --init
Using home directory: C:\Users\User\Documents\AssaultCube_v1.1
current locale: English_India.1252
init: sdl
init: net
init: world
init: video: sdl
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics (Intel)
Driver: 2.1.0 - Build
init: console
init: sound
Audio devices:
Sound: Generic Software / Software (Creative Labs Inc.)
Driver: 1.1
init: cfg
init: models
init: docs
init: localconnect
read map packages/maps/official/ac_arctic.cgz rev 3 (11 milliseconds)
Frozen Village by DES|Halo
couldn't load texture packages\textures\skymaps\steini\steini4_lf.jpg
loaded textures (293 milliseconds)
loaded mapmodels (231 milliseconds)
failed to load sample ./ambience/t_wind.ogg
loaded mapsounds (197 milliseconds)
game mode is "TDM"
init: mainloop
read map packages/maps/official/ac_rattrap.cgz rev 25 (12 milliseconds)
Filthy RatTrap by RatBoy
couldn't load texture packages\textures\skymaps\steini\steini4_lf.jpg
couldn't load texture packages\textures\mitaman\various\metal026.jpg
couldn't load texture packages\textures\zastrow\2wood_crate_12.jpg
couldn't load texture packages\textures\rattrap\rb_window.jpg
couldn't load texture packages\textures\rattrap\rb_window2.jpg
loaded textures (162 milliseconds)
couldn't load texture packages\models\mapmodels\roadblock02\skin.jpg
couldn't load texture packages\models\mapmodels\roadblock02\skin.png
couldn't load texture packages\models\mapmodels\skin.jpg
couldn't load texture packages\models\mapmodels\skin.png
could not load model skin for packages\models\mapmodels\roadblock02\tris.md2
loaded mapmodels (285 milliseconds)
loaded mapsounds (207 milliseconds)
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
could not load packages\models\mapmodels\toca\tree1\tris.md3
md3: corrupted header
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