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-Pw server switch fails on ban

In my servercmdline.txt I have -PfKbMAsRCDEw

the 'w' part does this:

Quote:w vote to kick/ban for "weak" reasons, i.e, the other player is not obviously lagging, nor teamkilling, nor spamming, nor cheating (as far as the server can detect it)

As it is set to lowercase, I should be able to kick/ban as a normal user OR admin for any reason. I can kick as a normal user or admin, but I can only ban as an admin. When I try to ban as a normal user, I get "could not vote: server denied your call" UNLESS the person I am banning has done something the server considers bannable, such as spamming, TKing, too high score ratio, etc.

In other words, it is acting like I used -PW instead of -Pw when I try to do a ban vote. I've filed a bug report: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=de...tid=697089

Please advise if there's anything I should check on my end, but I've triple-checked config and there seems to be nothing else that could cause this. If this is the way it is meant to work, how can I disable this "smart" ban authorization? I would like people to be able to make these votes if needed even when the server thinks they aren't warranted (I had someone TKing but keeping the score positive and killing enemies in between and I couldn't ban until I went to admin).

(I also tried verbose mode for the server but saw nothing more than usual).
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If you want to debug this the long, difficult way (i.e., the V-Man way),
1) Take your server out of public
2) Set your vote-switch to all lower-case
3) Does it still prohibit "weak" bans? If not, try raising each switch component to upper-case until it stops working again -- then you'll know which switch component is the culprit!

If it still prohibits "weak" bans with all lower-case, then something else is wrong here.
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To me it seems like you have a upper case K in there.
# Server switches Wrote:k kick players
If thats correct its strange you can kick without admin.
Did the devs switch k and b..?

Try setting it to lower case.
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Same issue with all lower-case. I also downloaded a fresh copy of AC to see whether any other config could be causing problems. The only changes I made were to disable fullscreen and add the all-lowercase vote switch to servercmdline.txt. I started the server and found that I have the same issue (ran two clients to test).

(27 Jan 11, 08:34AM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: To me it seems like you have a upper case K in there.
# Server switches Wrote:k kick players
If thats correct its strange you can kick without admin.
Did the devs switch k and b..?

Try setting it to lower case.

Oh, yes, it was at lowercase k previously, but I must have accidentally typed a capital K when I was retyping it while testing - same issue with correct setting of lowercase k.
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So, no matter what the switch looks like, you cannot ban for "weak" reasons (except with admin)?
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Apparently, yeah. Ronald_Reagan helped me test and we found that if he TKed me a few times, spammed, or got a high ratio, the server would approve bans from a normal user, but it won't allow weak bans even if the vote permissions switch appears to allow them.

I'm pretty sure it's not a permissions thing, anyway; if it's set so you can't make a vote it'll say 'no permission' but instead I'm getting 'server denied your call'.
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This was a glitch just before we released 1.1; it was taken care of - seems to be rearing it's head again though, I'll look into it.
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try the 'w' at the start of the switch see if it makes a difference
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logging local AssaultCube server (version 1104, protocol 1132/104) now..

To confirm I'm on the right version. Tried w at the beginning, no change. Thanks.
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