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Nc server II

The last time I was on it, I just disconnected, but now I can't reconnect now...
I would really appreciate help on this, because this was my favorite server...
It says I'm on the blacklist, but I was never banned...
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What server ? send your ip.
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(16 Jan 11, 06:16PM)PERROS Wrote: What server ? send your ip.

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maybe because you should be specific what server it is.
and your ip for to check to see if your on blacklist.
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(16 Jan 11, 08:33PM)Cage Wrote: maybe because you should be specific what server it is.
and your ip for to check to see if your on blacklist.
Couldn't I get hacked if I post it online?
I can say the server name though...
[nc |server ii
map is usually HeadShotCity_003

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Just send PERROS you IP via PM.
No need to add it here.

Edit: I dont know if Nc servers using TyD blacklist but see if your IP is on it.

Edit2: Cant see your IP on TyD blacklist.
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If you don't feel comfortable putting your IP here, then you can PM that server owner with your IP privately so he can check why/if you are on his blacklist. I'm afraid that your IP is needed for these kinds of things. Many people have put their IP here and we haven't heard of any problems concerning someone being hacked. Most of us have better things to do than wait for someone to post their IP so we can hack it.
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(16 Jan 11, 08:52PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: If you don't feel comfortable putting your IP here, then you can PM that server owner with your IP privately so he can check why/if you are on his blacklist. I'm afraid that your IP is needed for these kinds of things. Many people have put their IP here and we haven't heard of any problems concerning someone being hacked. Most of us have better things to do than wait for someone to post their IP so we can hack it.

Haha that makes me feel alot better, thanks...
But I have someone else who uses the same IP... don't ask, so should I be looking for my IP instead of the name?
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If you try to connect to server does it say «(inappropriate nickname)»?
If not, then its IP.
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(16 Jan 11, 08:38PM)Cemer Wrote: Couldn't I get hacked if I post it online?
<cringe>No, you can't.</cringe> That's equivalent to saying that if I have your home address I can steal your identity hehe.
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Look this Today I put on the blacklist this impostord from my servers

take it on a server last night, but today trying to connect to my server

[] disconnecting client Des|OpenSource (connection refused - you have been banned from this server) cn 1, 0 seconds played

(16 Jan 11, 08:32PM)Cemer Wrote:
(16 Jan 11, 06:16PM)PERROS Wrote: What server ? send your ip.


send me your ip if I can help you find out why the banner on the server?
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(16 Jan 11, 09:09PM)eftertanke Wrote:
(16 Jan 11, 08:38PM)Cemer Wrote: Couldn't I get hacked if I post it online?
<cringe>No, you can't.</cringe> That's equivalent to saying that if I have your home address I can steal your identity hehe.

Ok... I understand now... It's an identifier?
haha I'm turning your "joke" into a statement...
Thanks, because I get it now..
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(16 Jan 11, 09:19PM)Cemer Wrote: Ok... I understand now... It's an identifier?
haha I'm turning your "joke" into a statement...
Thanks, because I get it now..
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(16 Jan 11, 09:09PM)eftertanke Wrote:
(16 Jan 11, 08:38PM)Cemer Wrote: Couldn't I get hacked if I post it online?
<cringe>No, you can't.</cringe> That's equivalent to saying that if I have your home address I can steal your identity hehe.

Or saying that if I see your house on Google Street View, I can break into it. Sadly, that's why Google is experiencing huge problems in germany.

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(16 Jan 11, 11:21PM)tempest Wrote: Or saying that if I see your house on Google Street View, I can break into it. Sadly, that's why Google is experiencing huge problems in germany.
Better analogy.
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BC|Wulf "Most of us have better things to do than wait for someone to post their IP so we can hack it."

-Thats whuts the blhacklist is for
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(17 Jan 11, 07:06AM)Bullpup Wrote: BC|Wulf "Most of us have better things to do than wait for someone to post their IP so we can hack it."

-Thats whuts the blhacklist is for

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I think Bullpup is saying that if someone wanted IP addresses to 'hack', all they have to do is get them off the blacklist thread.

With regard to this thread, and this one, yes, nc|armed is the admin of the servers in question; he has an account here.

As for the banned players being in the same range, AdmiralJustice and ragerider1980... play in the same /21 range, but Cemer is in a completely different range. Neither range is listed in the TyD or NZ blacklists, which are commonly used. Either armed has just started using another blacklist which has the ranges banned, or he's decided to ban them himself for some reason. The affected players are going to have to contact him.

edit: Now closing. Use this thread, which has a better title.
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