09 Jan 11, 04:15PM
Maybe if he put "JK" on the license, it'd make more sense.
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High-rez Reskin
09 Jan 11, 04:15PM
Maybe if he put "JK" on the license, it'd make more sense.
09 Jan 11, 04:42PM
I'm trying to give darkdavid the benefit of the doubt but I agree that his "story" about mixing up copying and pasting texts does seem convenient at best.
I guess we can categorize this post under "epic fail" as has already been stated. Sorry darkdavid but you now look like the world's biggest tool, and not the Black and Decker kind.
09 Jan 11, 05:31PM
Anyone with the skill to skin like that would have not left the boots and pants totally untouched. If not redone, he would have least added some quick and dirty detailing to cover up the pixel density mismatch, would have taken 2 minutes to make it look "ok". Thus, it's very likely to be cut and paste.
09 Jan 11, 06:31PM
The man with the whip has spoken!
Everyone who mocked Mr.Floppy receives a great big
10 Jan 11, 05:24PM
(This post was last modified: 10 Jan 11, 05:30PM by eftertanke.)
(09 Jan 11, 12:15PM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: Are you guys kidding me? Just read what he says himself: Then I would suggest you re-read the thread. These parts may interest you: (07 Jan 11, 07:11PM)eftertanke Wrote: Wow. Just wow. Those skins look really incredible! Downloading and I can't wait to see them in action! (07 Jan 11, 08:00PM)darkdavid Wrote: i used the "readme" from my other mods and edited, (07 Jan 11, 08:05PM)eftertanke Wrote: I guess my question in the end is, is this your original work or not? Because if it is, and only the concepts were from those other games, you're ok. But if you actually copied and pasted texture samples then there are going to be licensing problems. (07 Jan 11, 08:16PM)darkdavid Wrote:(07 Jan 11, 08:05PM)eftertanke Wrote: original work or not? (07 Jan 11, 08:30PM)darkdavid Wrote:(07 Jan 11, 08:21PM)Darkbee Wrote: Nice work! You sir, where just a complete ass. If you had removed because you didn't believe him it would have been different. But you didn't say that, and therein lost my respect. EDIT: I'll take my warning points now.
10 Jan 11, 05:52PM
First off, I did remove it due to the introduction text he added to the Akimbo node, the one I'm refering to in both posts. Whatever is/was going on in here doesn't affect the rules of Akimbo.
Secondly, re-read your inquiry yourself. In fact he has never said which part (the one he claims copyrights, the one he lists up the games where he ripped the stuff from, or both) of this two messages was added by "accident". In the end he didn't say nothing. Finally, asking someone who obviously has no clue about how to deal with licenses, whether or not this was "original" doesn't make no sense to me, sorry. Now, think about me whatever you like, I'm fine with it. Though, I do not understand your problem here at all. As I'm an admin at akimbo.in I have to keep things in check and copyright infringement is not tolerated there and that's it really. Maybe I should just retire from this communities...
10 Jan 11, 05:59PM
(This post was last modified: 10 Jan 11, 06:03PM by eftertanke.)
You are doing a good thing. Don't get me wrong.
The point is that I asked him if his work was original work and he said YES. That was long before you removed it from Akimbo. Am I incorrect? If not, I apologize again for how harsh my reactions were.
10 Jan 11, 06:05PM
I think Mr F's point was that "Yes, of course i copied and pasted all of the graphics myself, nobody had to help me press the CTRL+C and CTRL+V keys". Basically, darkdavid's definition of what "original" work means is skewed.
I'll be curious to see if darkdavid comes back to defend himself but I seriously doubt it. I'm happy to call it at this point. Major Pirate Fail.
10 Jan 11, 06:15PM
Would you come back to the forums if this was how you were welcomed? That's only my secondary concern to be honest. Mr.Floppy had no proof of any infringement. He should have assumed good faith and he did not.
Correct, that was before I removed it and yes I haven't read this posts and again, it wouldn't have changed a thing. This is the official AC-forum and Akimbo is another story anyways...
I'm sorry if this looks like I didn't value other's opinions and inquiring-efforts, but from my time with AC and Akimbo I've learnded that there's hardly ever a point in trying to discuss legal issues with people which aren't capable of grasping those for whatever reasons. See. You can call it arrogant or whatever, but reading the following two lines made me wonder how this makes any sense: Quote:after months of modding other games i decided to do this for AC. If he really did skinning stuff for months, he wouldn't have forgotten about using powers of two, really. Adding his introduction-text from the akimbo post to it was enough to be considered copyright infringement and therefore removing the contents. Proabably he isn't even aware of what he's done wrong, though that doesn't change akimo's rules.
10 Jan 11, 06:24PM
Floppy, what the hell did he do wrong?
10 Jan 11, 06:30PM
He ripped off contents from comercial games, which are distributed with full copyrights. You are not allowed to "re-use" this media, even if you payed for the game, which includes those.
=> Copyright Infringement
10 Jan 11, 06:37PM
You have no reason to believe he has done anything that violates Akimbo's rules except for a readme that he has stated was accidental and does't apply to these files.
10 Jan 11, 06:48PM
Eftertanke, ...
I have by now explained this multiple times and I won't just type it down once more. Just scroll up and try to understand. In case you don't know what this is about, just leave it or say what really is pissing you off and stop confusing this case.
10 Jan 11, 07:04PM
I asked him to explain the text that says he used media from other games. He said that text refers to a mod he made for another game. Therefore if that is the only thing that made you decide to remove "his" content, you sincerely owe him an apology.
10 Jan 11, 07:23PM
How naive can a single person be?
I'm going to stop this discussion here, because I see there's absolutely no common ground.
10 Jan 11, 07:28PM
So thinking about it more carefully, in the best case scenario his explanation simply proves that he is open to the possibility of using copyrighted material illegally. Whether, this particular skin is or not, it sounds like he has done before. Perhaps unknowingly, but that doesn't give anybody the right to pass off somebody else's work as their own (which is what would irk me the most).
That would be like me compiling the AC sources and changing a few things here and there, and trying to claim I'd written a new FPS without giving any credit to the original authors (or even denying where my source code came from). Except in his case it's even worse because he's not allowed by law to "compile" his own from the source, since the "source" (the graphics) is protected by copyright laws.
10 Jan 11, 07:34PM
(This post was last modified: 10 Jan 11, 07:48PM by eftertanke.)
You are simply too proud to admit that you were trigger-happy. You failed to assume good faith and for that you should have apologized.
End of story. EDIT: Darkbee that pisses me off too, but regardless, there is no proof that this reskin isn't original work. You don't remove content on a whim. This wasn't anywhere close to "reasonable suspicion." EDIT: You know what? No. I'm done with the apathy and bullying.
10 Jan 11, 08:39PM
Settle down everyone.
The big problem here is, that with comercial games, "modding" can also mean just screwing around with the provided material, remixing stuff, editing stuff, etc... wich is a cool thing. Though you might be editing copyrighted stuff, usually the copyright holders will not care as long as you don't make a buck off it. They know that "modding" efficiently prolongs the time their game sells, so they won't intervene. With free, open source stuff, the picture changes. That's why akimbo has such strict rules concerning copyright violation. If you make a free game, you have to keep a close eye on providing everything yourself (or using sources that explicitly welcome you to use them), to avoid any possible problems that might occur with interlectual property. That's why any copyright violation in the vincinity of a free game is sort of a problem, and everyone is quite sensitive about the subject. I'm in no way saying that the OP had any bad intentions - probably he just had fun modding around - it's just that it's percieved very diffrently concerning the situation (commercial game mods vs. free/os/indy game modding). So, just relax, you two. The skins are cool, they are just problematic in this sort of scope. That's all. It's quite obvious that this work is a copy/paste sort of thing. If akimbo doesn't want it, it's fine. The OP could just host it somewhere else any it wouldn't be a problem to me to have the link up here or something. |
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