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Tired of being called a hacker >:|
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This isn't hack at all i went easy on him, yet still i'm called a hacker?

Bad ping i know lol i was downloading a new Assault Rifle Skin!
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i tend to teabag said people who claim the hackusations! makes me feel better, before a get ragekicked by noobs
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the question is: why do you let it affect you?
btw such good scores, IT MUST BE HACK :o
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(21 Dec 10, 10:46PM)titiPT Wrote: why do you let it affect you?

a well earned headshot should be well earned, not scorned by the noobs!

why should skilled players be brushed off as hackers (EDIT: Cheaters) after ALL the practise they put in to be that good.
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Don't worry about them, pft.
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That means they think your skill is beyond human possibility.
I choose to take it as a compliment.
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u haz hAx tho gibstick :L
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You are DEFINITELY a hacker, you are too pro to be human :O

[Image: amp.jpg]
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In a more serious note, really what do you want us to do about it? Cuddle you and say that everything will be alright? The only purpose of this thread as far as I can see, is to show off, which isn't really working now with Morsey's post, is it?
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(22 Dec 10, 12:44AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: LOL

In a more serious note, really what do you want us to do about it? Cuddle you and say that everything will be alright? The only purpose of this thread as far as I can see, is to show off, which isn't really working now with Morsey's post, is it?

was the intention of the post;) to somewhat dimm his sunlight.
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I take it as a compliment :D
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Hackers taste better with Louisiana Hot Sauce
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... Yes, i hope your ego grow now :)
I guess some of my old buddy's on here know what i mean. By saying how it feels to get called a hacker. Especially my old mate .cO'|Ghost. I'm sure there is NOBODY who DIDNT call him a hacker some time ago... I guess he beated like every oNe member in 1x1 and always got called a hacker from begin to end in hes ac carrier. I cant wait till he gets called hacker again now :)
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(25 Dec 10, 07:35PM)Infinite Wrote: ... Yes, i hope your ego grow now :)
I guess some of my old buddy's on here know what i mean. By saying how it feels to get called a hacker. Especially my old mate .cO'|Ghost. I'm sure there is NOBODY who DIDNT call him a hacker some time ago... I guess he beated like every oNe member in 1x1 and always got called a hacker from begin to end in hes ac carrier. I cant wait till he gets called hacker again now :)

gingers cant hack they have no souls.
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Bad ping i know lol i was downloading a new Assault Rifle Skin!"

A fuckin weapon skin is like 78KB, so how does this give you bad ping for a whole game?
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Morsey!, you god. o.o

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one thing ur playing a new player. isnt that saying something?? OF COURSE newer players consider players of hacking cmon man u should know this by now :P
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well i know what you mean, i mean sometimes when i no scope headshot people say i'm hacking and i just say "Thanks i know I'm that good, but there are a lot of better players than me". but Neon you just have to ignore the noobs that ragekick you cause they are afraid to acknowledge the fact that they got beat by someone twenty times better than them, but like i said just ignore the noobs
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I'm tired of people making the AC forums THEYR OWN, do it in your forums, we don't care about your clan matchs or you being called a cheater, dude don't tell us everything you do ¬¬
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Playing someone 1vs1 OSOK with such a ridiculous ping is pretty much like playing a cheater.

Now stop the whining please. Thanks.
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Why are they calling you a hacker neo? D:
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Guys this is what rly pisses me off. Ppl get called hackers by dic*s and then they come for the reason here and even bigger dic*s answer them.
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you didnt go easy you tried your best but now trying to look good.
You cant lag over a weapon skin download. Srsly.
Your attention plan isnt seeming to be working.
The matches against DES, well they really back up your hacking. I was confused at this point with if you suicide hacked tbh :|
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Holy crap. Why hasn't this been closed yet?
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my piece of advice to when someone calls you a hacker?

"it takes one to know one!"

8D 8D hasent failed yet xD
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* V-Man imagines every blacklist post rebutted with that statement
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