Quick Question
Lately Ares and I have had heated conversations and he claims that he can blacklist me through some other website other then this one. I am personally not concerned about it because I know i did nothing wrong to get blacklisted but i was wondering if that was really possible to be blacklisted from the game through a different website other then the official AC website.
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shall i rant some more about n00bs and trolls???

blacklisting is all up to the server owner. they can block whoever they want.
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Thats what i thought, I was just checking

WAIT...sorry i didnt read that correctly, I know that the server owners can blacklist whoever they want but ONLY they can right??
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uh... define only??

the server owners choose which players to add to the blacklist. it is not done automatically by some server service.
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You can have your server download some publicly available BLs though. Such like the NZ one and the TyD one.
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JGAN is right most of the time its noobs just asking dumb questions without looking for the information :/
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I've played on your server a few times and i must admit the standard of admin is atrocious. I would consider blacklisting your servers if it was up to me.
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ME?? What is wrong with my servers??
I let the ~M-M~ clan do what they want with those servers and only give admin pass to the leaders but my JB server is perfectly fine, i dont see what is wrong with it
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*facepalm* must i answer that?
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I really dont see what is wrong with my servers...Im almost always in them and i monitor what goes on in them, YES there have been a few cases of admin abuse in the ~M-M~ servers but I have taken care of that! so...what is wrong with my servers?
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Just from what I've read on this forum about your servers:
People use horrific language without getting banned.
People get banned for nonsensical (or no) reasons.
Crap maps are pushed most of the time.

My recommendation to fix this is to take admin away from problematic players and give it to more mature ones. Use a better maprot (if you don't already have a good one in place -- it's hard to tell with random players voting in other maps 24/7). Use server extensions recommended by other, more successful server owners.
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would you mind sharing these forums where you hear this stuff? i would like to read them
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Here, let me get that for you.
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all i see there are complaints about my name in the |FOX| server...which ISNT MINE
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If you skip over the pertinent links, I suppose there's nothing I can do to convince you that your servers need improvement. If you don't think your servers need improvement, you'll not do anything to improve them -- and having asked your questions will be made pointless.
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(04 Jan 11, 05:51AM)JB|JustinBieber Wrote: all i see there are complaints about my name in the |FOX| server...which ISNT MINE

Quote:// : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: kick player killaguerilla, reason: called_me_a_nigger_whore
// : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player StopNationalism, reason: STFU_PLEASE_WHITE_ASS_MOTHER_FUCKER
// : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player StopNationalism, reason: your_name_is_sooo_fucking_gay
// : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player quikscoop, reason: gang_banger
// : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player ecnoc, reason: nasty....seriously_stop_sharting
// : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: kick player |FOX|Yarukinasu, reason: FUCK_FOX
// : JB|JustinBieber called a vote: kick player unarmed (13), reason: got-a-chick-pregnant-and-left

I agree. The only complaints about you that I've seen were on servers you used to own and every offense committed was made by your little brother.
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Yes i know that one day the name JB|JustinBieber started gaining a bad reputation, Nothing i can do about that now! I really dont do that at all...as ive said many times SORRY about that incident but as far as that incident is concerned it is DONE with and has nothing to do with my current question.
And i think im still missing out on where my servers a crappy servers? Yes cussing is allowed in them, and yes i allow ppl to upload their own maps and play them...if thats your only problems with my server then I personally dont see the problem with them. Maybe as a player in the game you see a problem but thats your own personal problem. As far as bans go in my server the only time ppl are kicked is when the ~M-M~ clan works on a map and they need to make the server private and my JustinBieber server shouldnt have any problems considering NO ONE besides me knows admin and i hardly ever claim admin. I try to keep votes fair by not voting as an admin unless absolutely required.
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(04 Jan 11, 06:59AM)JB|JustinBieber Wrote: Yes i know that one day the name JB|JustinBieber started gaining a bad reputation, Nothing i can do about that now! I really dont do that at all...as ive said many times SORRY about that incident but as far as that incident is concerned it is DONE with and has nothing to do with my current question.
You are correct, it has nothing to do with your current question. I apologize for the offtopic post.

(04 Jan 11, 01:10AM)JB|JustinBieber Wrote: Lately Ares and I have had heated conversations and he claims that he can blacklist me through some other website other then this one. I am personally not concerned about it because I know i did nothing wrong to get blacklisted but i was wondering if that was really possible to be blacklisted from the game through a different website other then the official AC website.
Yes, it is possible. Your question has been answered and this thread should be closed.
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Ok, thanks for your help
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To expand on that "Yes"

There are three ways to become blacklisted, which would also cover range bans in either of these:
  1. Blacklist (Or Cases of Obvious Cheating) Reports Here
  2. A Made up Blacklist like the TyD or NZ cfg
  3. Individual Server Owner Discretion
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Ok, and i understand that but basically Ares is claiming that he submitted my IP (which he doesnt even have the whole thing) to some website and within a couple days, he says, I should expect to see no servers and my servers will also be shut down.
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To condense eftertanke's explanation, there are two ways you can currently be blacklisted, and one way for your server to be "blacklisted":

1) Someone lists a complaint about you in the blacklist thread, and individual server owners (such as TyD or NZ) decide to add your IP to their blacklists (this is a conglomeration of all three points from eftertanke).

2) The devs decide to blacklist you from the master server (which they will generally only do with persistent cheaters).

3) The devs decide to block your server from the master server, making it so that people cannot see it through the server browser.

And I understand why it's difficult to accept that people don't appreciate verbal abuse and poor maps, but I was answering your question as honestly as I could, hoping that you asked with the intent to improve based on answers people gave (rather than it being a rhetorical question).
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