Can't spawn in ac_toxic
"Awaiting permission to spawn. Don't Panic."

Only on ac_toxic. Can't switch to a team. Always in spectate mode.
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I had the same problem but it was on ac_werk. No matter how much I clicked my mouse it kept telling me the same thing until I was kicked for inactivity. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting, closing AC and restarting again to shutting down my computer and restarting in hopes something would change. My word of advice to try and save you time, just re-install AC. It will save you the trouble of trying to figure out how to fix it. It fixed my issue and I happened to have the installer of AC saved on my computer so it was a matter of seconds before my problem was fixed and I was able to join the game that I was trying to play with plenty of time remaining in the game.
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i had the same problem. new ac_toxic was never updated for some clients :/ This link will give you all the new official map versions, tarred and gzipped. Just unpack it into packages/maps/official.

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(23 Nov 10, 03:45AM)KN!F3 Wrote: "Awaiting permission to spawn. DON'T PANIC"

^--- Corrected. Please note: It's always in large, friendly letters.

As for the maps, maybe someone incorrectly packaged
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And another thug when you join a serve in osok with only 1 person in there and then you switch from spectate mode to try an play it wont end the match the guy already playing has to suicide
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Sigh. I can't believe you forgot the exclamation mark.
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Used to have this error on ac_arabian. This should be fixed using servers ...
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