Cheating in 1.1.x
I thought cheating in 1.1.x was a thing of the past? Yet, I still see people posting here saying player X was doing Y, and has hack Z.

I've noticed a lot lately (it seems) that people are crying "cheat" on many servers. Up to now, I've simply ignored them as bad losers because I thought it was very difficult to cheat, and in general if people are cheating it seems to be a lot less obvious than in the past.

Should I take these cries more seriously? The other day I was playing a game with someone I've played several times before (Boumer) and as far as I can tell they aren't cheating but another playing was insistent they were cheating and kept calling votes to kick them. It seemed to me that this player accused of cheating is just good and it's not a crime to be good at AC.

I just don't know where to stand anymore, I don't want to keep kicking people from games, or vote blindly to ban/kick someone unless it's pretty obvious that they have done wrong some how. It just gets on my nerves that because somebody is better at the game than most people then they must automatically be cheating.

I don't ever get accused of cheating! :D
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Noobs accuse people in-game of cheating.
The proper thing to do is get a demo and ask an experienced player about it in private.
If the person actually is cheating, they will be blacklisted; if not, enjoy AssaultCube. Wasting one's own and everyone else's time by waving one's arms and wailing about a cheater is unproductive.
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Its not impossible to cheat but there arent so many obivous cheats anymore.
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like the 30% speed increase and increased fire-rate o.O

Cheaters i have only one thing to say: ┌Π┐(-.-)┌Π┐
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Yes that happens a lot.
Happened to me several times that someone called vote kick/ban me telling I was cheatting, and I just ignore them.

I really think that some players are just rage kickers/banners and use "cheater" "hacker" reason as excuse to get rid of an enemy.

But it's a problem and very frustrating when votes passed :(

These days a player "arottengirl" "TacoGirl" has been acussing me of hacker and I got kicked like 3 times.. and even more frustrating is when some admin did it :( like yesterday when I got kicked thanks to TacoGirl, as there was an admin in the server I reconnected (I was thinking "That admin will see I'm not a cheater and votes will fail :D") TacoGirl said "hey admin that player cheat" and admin banned me! reason: hacking >:'(

Well anyway the best thing to do is dont take them too serious, ignore them, and enjoy the game.

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Me and my LUV friend got accused of hacking, cus we headshoted a lot. We fought back and we kicked him yelling HACK HACK HACK.Karma hit him pretty hard.
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As long as I know what to look for. The cheating is far less obvious than it used to be, and from what I can tell, it's a lot less prevalent (which is a good thing) but if it still exists then it's just something to be aware of when playing.
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if players annoy you too much you can just use the /ignore cn command ;)
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That doesn't help when they manage to kick you, however :S
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then leave. you shouldnt be playing with n00bs anyways ;)
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"I are teh ubor speed haxxxxor!" *rifle sprints*


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