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Any programs that could boost my fps?
I've tried every command that can help it, but i still get low fps do you know anything that could at least make my fps 100?

I have Intel graphics Media Accelerator Driver for mobile , 32 bit , thanks in advance.
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How much is your RAM?
What is your graphic card and how much MB does it have?
Did you change your graphic card settings?
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Try setting these in your init.cfg

colorbits 16
depthbits 24

Use a high lighterror value, and use the lowest resolution possible.
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And of course, disable the texture-filtering, gibs for less lags
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The lower the res the better the FPS, only advice I can give assuming you've already tried the lowest possible settings via all the commands...

Run it in windowed mode if you have to.
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No no no, fullscreen > windowed. Try it at 800x600, usually the lowest acceptable resolution.
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(29 Oct 10, 11:07PM)Gibstick Wrote: No no no, fullscreen > windowed. Try it at 800x600, usually the lowest acceptable resolution.

Already do, thanks makke im gonna try to edit init.cfg.

(29 Oct 10, 02:27PM)WhiteBlade Wrote: How much is your RAM?
What is your graphic card and how much MB does it have?
Did you change your graphic card settings?

My graphic card is intel and i changed the settings. about the other two how do i check it?
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Well, to answer that, you'll want to tell us which OS you're using! :D
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Dear Bunnysoul .

im here to help you :)
download "Game booster"

"Designed to help optimize your PC for smoother, more responsive game play in the latest PC games with the touch of a button, Game Booster helps achieve the performance edge previously only available to highly technical enthusiasts.

It works by defragmenting game directories, temporarily shutting down background processes, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance. That means you can keep all the features of operating systems ready for when you need them, but turn them off when you are ready to get down to serious business – gaming.

Works compatible with PunkBuster, Cheating-Death, VAC, and any other anti-cheat software, Game Booster makes it simpler to enjoy the latest games and take your experience to a new level. All systems go!"

Download from here : http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html
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apparently that co has trust issues...

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Why? Any program that is "intensifying processor performance" for free must be 100% genuine.

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The key in boosting FPS is not adding programs, but getting rid of unnecessary ones.
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Make your game graphics total crap. Update/change your graphics card. If problems remains, buy a better comp.
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you guys have it all wrong. my comp is average. Intel dual core. Vista. some sound card idk what it is. V-Man said it best. Cancel background programs that use alot of RAM. Crtl+Alt+Delete and go to Start Task Manager and highlight the Processes tab. End processes that need not run atm. then go play. I have my stats maxed out @ highest graphics & 1680x1050 screen resolution and i still pull 60fps in most instances.
snake_eye's program may also work but i tend to not download anything if i know i dont need it.
hope you get those fps's higher! lol
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snake_eye's program......

Quote:Bullpup said:
apparently that Program has trust issues...


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Try to download more RAM :D
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Your ram is now downloading,

I lol'd. That's great.
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That is...
Incredible. XD
* V-Man bookmarks
Quote:Since I downloaded more RAM, I immediately returned the RAM I bought just the other day from my local electronics store
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vertical sync off maybe :)?
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/vsync 0
/texreduce -1 (or 3)
video settings to horrible
light error maximum
/maxfps 1000
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* jAcKRoCk* thinks he needs one of those :)
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Any programs like that for MAC, I tried google but I failed.
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Yes same here as BULL3T
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I've run AC on a 1.25Ghz G4 iMac with a 64Mb graphics card. I had to pretty much turn everything off, but it runs reasonably well. :)

I'm using OS X 10.4, and I've tried every optimization trick I can find.
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Remove all your textures. :D
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(18 Nov 10, 03:46PM)Darkbee Wrote: I had to pretty much turn everything off.
I have a simuler Mac although its G5, what exactly did you have to turn off and how'd you do it.
Sorry to be a pain.

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(19 Nov 10, 02:29AM)BULL3T Wrote:
(18 Nov 10, 03:46PM)Darkbee Wrote: I had to pretty much turn everything off.
I have a simuler Mac although its G5, what exactly did you have to turn off and how'd you do it.
Sorry to be a pain.

I don't remember the exact settings off the top of my head (I don't really use a Mac much but my PC broke and the Mac is about all I have right now). I can tell you that I used Onyx, with it you can turn off stuff like Dashboards, and fancy graphical desktop effects (for example glass effects on the dock). I guess most of that is nothing that you can't do elsewhere (system prefs) but it puts it all in one place. You can also run all kinds of temp/cache cleanup but that's probably only going to help if you're running low on disk space.

I basically ran everything in Onyx there is to run. For example it can run a disk optimization even though it says that this probably won't do anything (isn't necessary) in 10.4 or above. Whatever, it can't hurt.

The real goals are to make sure the disk is as "tidy" as possible to maximize disk speeds and also to stop stuff running so that it doesn't take up RAM. The more free RAM you can get the better. Along those lines, I can't remember if it's in Onyx or not but be sure to check your startup items (on System Prefs/Accounts/User) and disable/remove anything you don't need. If in doubt, Google it. I don't think my user startup tab has anything in it at all.

Part of my problem is that my system has been bastardized because it's been upgraded all the way from 10.1 I believe, so it probably has acquired lots of crap along the way.

As far as Assault Cube itself goes, the same settings apply on the Mac version as well as they do on the Windows version. Turn graphics detail down, use a low resolution, turn gibbing detail off, lower the number sounds playing at once umm.. can't remember what else. oh, turn off water/shadow/lighting effects. etc etc.

I can give you more specifics if you like but I'd have to do it when I'm in front of the Mac. :) Like I said, I'm no Mac expert, I'm just going by what I've read online and what seems to work. Right now, I can play AC okay. It doesn't look very pretty but it works.

(18 Nov 10, 11:58PM)Jason Wrote: Remove all your textures. :D
Yes, I play AC in wireframe graphics. ;)
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