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a_slow_old_man's MODs
BUT: once you get known to it you'll enjoy it a lot :)
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[Image: renderq.png]

Download it here :)

BUT: This mod is "highpoly" and... kinda... highres. So don't Download it if your PC is rly slow :)

PS. Yes, I made new hands for this mod and I'll continue using them so... haters gonna hate
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You probably meant "Download it HERE" ;)

Anyway, really awesome!
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Fixed it :)
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USMC Knife (again with the new hands)
[Image: renderrq.png]

Download it here or here (Akimbo.in). (link added by Mr.Floppy)

Warning: if you have a slow PC, resize the textures first (from 1024*1024 to 512*512 or maybe even 256*256)

PS. I hate the animation, so if you have a video or maybe a idea of a better one, please post it here :)

PPS. Yes, I used the vector to look deep and meaningful ;)
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I don't understand your crazy german websites :)
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dude your new mods are NICE
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I wanna see the .50 Barrett i keep hearing about in every other thread. :)
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I can PM you if slow hasn't already.

Or if he even wants me to?
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Here are two new sleeves for the hands I'm using in this and this mod

[Image: 0001av.png]

Download New sleeves

PS. Gotcha! Next time ingame I have a free punch ;)
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i freaking love your shotys
wait was that punch directed tord me 0.o
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woah! who moved christmas to april? ;D
I think you included the world models for your new playermodels (the lowered ones) in the packages for the shotty and the knife, you might want to check that.
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(17 Apr 11, 12:23AM)Lantry Wrote: woah! who moved christmas to april? ;D


I'm having too much fun with this...
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(17 Apr 11, 12:23AM)Lantry Wrote: I think you included the world models for your new playermodels (the lowered ones) in the packages for the shotty and the knife, you might want to check that.

I knew I had forgot something x(

Thanks for pointing that out :)
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[Image: previewod.jpg]

Just save this image

PS. I took the Title and the "loading..." from the original startscreen, is there a problem or is it enough if I just tell you here?
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Really nice :)
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(01 May 11, 03:03PM)a_slow_old_man Wrote: PS. I took the Title and the "loading..." from the original startscreen, is there a problem or is it enough if I just tell you here?

I dunno, makkE might sue you for that ;)
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Just mention it in the readme.txt when you really release it I guess. I doubt there will be any problems. It isn't like you are trying to imitate it or pretend like yours is the real thing.
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Until Akimbo.in is back up, you can download the KS23 here
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