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KTF| clan
Everyone......When i first started playing AC I decided to join KTF....then i knew nothing of clans.....All say GodofWar founded the clan......but bascically it was me and GodOfWar.....Today i was looking through the list of recruting clans and saw KTF and when it said Keep Together For Freedom i remembered that clan.......I makes me sad that we DIDNT Keep together.....we were best friends.......when i played with KTF my name was Mr.Death.....you may know me....anyways KTF is personally my all time Fav. clan.....GL & HF
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Overuse of ellipses...very fun...have fun good luck....I'm out of breath...I wonder what the key to the left of the period puts out...I think my hand is slipping on the...too long....anyways it sounds like keep the flag...have fun.....

Don't overuse ellipses; HF GL!
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gl & hf

I win.
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g.....l...........a.....n.....d............h...f xD
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........ you .... are ......... welcome ....... gl......
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19. Do not post ”empty” or useless responses, such as just ”lol”, "+1", or ”cool.” Only post responses when you have something to contribute. The only exception to this rule is in the off-topic forum.
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ok.... understood...
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