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Hello @ Brahma
Hey dude!
It's me, .Al!ve'' from s|D and i have some question and some explainations.
After i got to know some days ago that the masterserver on 1.1 does not
reply to me anymore, i started my researches.
I controlled my IP with the range bans, but they don't match, so i am not
in a range ban, i must be on the central blacklist.
And now i'd really like to know why. In my opinion it was already more,
no, really more than enough to put me on TyD BL for my misstake to let a guy connecting with a modified client for 13 seconds.
But now i can't play on no single server anymore. Server sol 9010 for matches only.
Isn't that a bit hard?

Now to the Central Blacklisting of me.
I know that you had your sources who sent you demos of me playing in interclan matches or clan matches. I can't say what demos that have been exactly, but i know that you were seeking for proof about me cheating. I also know that my gameplay seemed very suspicious to you.
You have the opinion that i use some pitch cheat, that means my pitch when i play doesn't change at big distances.
I can tell you right know where that comes from.
People who know how to use the sniper, and have gained much experience with it, try to hit the head of the opponnent whenever they can. So do i.
When i move on a map, i want to be ready to headshoot my enemy by
not changing the best position to give a headshot.
Example: On a map, or area of a map where are not many little hills, like depot, des3, some areas of shine, i could talk about any map at the moment i think, i move with or without scope, but i try to hold the red dot/the middle of the screen on the height of a head, to be ready when an enemy passes the corner.
Why should i decrease my chances of killing an enemy?
Why should i decrease my chances to give a headshot?
Why should i decrease my field of vue by moving my mouse down, what makes the ground filling the screen unnessecary more?

You also should know that i play AC with a tiny netbook with a very bad screen. I have Fps between 40-69 what seem to be ok at the first view.
But the screen of my netbook is very slow, so my screen's spiking all the time on any map, especially on ac_power and ac_elevation and ac_outpost.
That is not enough, when i move my mouse constantly to the left, the crosshair on my screen moves randomly to the left, at the beginning very slowly, the a bit quicker, then again slower.
I try to move my mouse/crosshair as less as i can, because the more i move my mouse, the more i loose my shooting precision and get even more fails. It increases the chances to miss the enemy.

And i am sure there are many players who use this tactic of gameplay, because its easy, incomplicated and effectful.

You did not get any proof of me using some pitch cheats, or other kind of hacks, so i want to know why i am on the central blacklist now. I did nothing wrong, dude, really not.

If you want you can send some players who you trust much and have a match with or versus me, to let them get more demo of any map they want, (but not ac_power xD) to show my level, that is like it is without any cheats.

Dude, i do not hide anything and try to face any problems that i get.
So please, do not judge a probable innocent guy.

AC is something that i use to relax after school, to have some fun, so that direction.

Cheating does not mean anything to me, I am more interested in skillplaying. That is what i want to put the stress on right here.

Al!ve, in a friendly way, hopefully
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I know this thread is only directed at Brahma (and I think its wrong to only direct it at Brahma) but you did and for such cases, we got a PM function.
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No, this has to be discussed in public, otherwise it comes
to the simple fact that he can ban anyone for any reason without any proof.
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I think he knows pretty well that he cant.
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We'll wait for his answer :)
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Doesn't belong here.
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For the curious: this issue was solved via PM.
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