25 Oct 10, 11:37PM
once i have a zipped file for a weapon mod i wanna test in combat, how do i get it to multiplayer? is there a command?
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how to upload weapon mods
25 Oct 10, 11:37PM
once i have a zipped file for a weapon mod i wanna test in combat, how do i get it to multiplayer? is there a command?
25 Oct 10, 11:42PM
Did you unzip it in good folder ?
When i test new weapons, i make a copy of old folder and remade one but you can unzip it in your mod directory look at the help files, there is something about this
25 Oct 10, 11:43PM
Extract, package it correctly (look at structure of other weapon folders) and put it in your "mods" folder. Then, add the --mod argument to your AC launcher. Read http://assault.cubers.net/docs/mods.html for more info.
26 Oct 10, 12:32AM
(This post was last modified: 26 Oct 10, 12:33AM by jakedisaster.)
(25 Oct 10, 11:43PM)Gibstick Wrote: Extract, package it correctly (look at structure of other weapon folders) and put it in your "mods" folder. Then, add the --mod argument to your AC launcher. Read http://assault.cubers.net/docs/mods.html for more info. take it out and make a series of folders. depending on the gun u want modded. EX: packages/models/weapons/assault if ur just changing the skin, u will need ur skin to be called skin_weapon.png, or jpg or wtvr if its more, u will need the model be named tris or tris_high.md3 or md2 then a md3.cgf text file with the following: md3load tris_high.md3(or wtvr ur model name is) md3skin skin_weapon.jpg/png/etc. (if u have a hand skin)md3skin skin_hands If the model is more complex, i suggest u ask a_slow_old_man........ good luck modding! :D The other weapon folder names are rifle assault subgun shotgun knife sniper grenade
28 Oct 10, 10:13PM
its got the tres and the hand skin shiz and all tht already but where do i put it, do i replace it and take out the old pistol?
29 Oct 10, 12:04AM
29 Oct 10, 01:58AM
oh shizzle sticks, where is the old stuff? im sorry, im such a newb, ive been mapping, but modding isnt my thing, and i really want this smith and wesson revolver
29 Oct 10, 12:22PM
(29 Oct 10, 01:58AM)TERMINATOR Wrote: oh shizzle sticks, where is the old stuff? im sorry, im such a newb, ive been mapping, but modding isnt my thing, and i really want this smith and wesson revolver ok soo heres exactly how you do it: open up assaultcube starter and hit the show all button or just find the assaultcube 1.3 or something open it goto packages/models/weapons/pistol if theres anything in the file besides the world folder,dont back up. just open the revolver until u see a md3 file and a few skins. drag those to the folder,make sure the md3 is called tris_high.md3, the weapon skin is skin_weapon,jpg and hands are skin_hands.jpg and there you go,start the game for a test run!
30 Oct 10, 12:20AM
(This post was last modified: 30 Oct 10, 12:21AM by TERMINATOR.)
30 Oct 10, 12:34AM
30 Oct 10, 02:32AM
lol and thats why noods stay noobs, they give up too easily! xD
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