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Clan *rAgE* is recruting
Hey everyone my name is *rAgE*Ash you probably heard of me, anyways clan rage is recruting active,nice,and skilled members.You will need a tryout before you join. We are a bunch of nice guys so i hope you all join this clan :D
Also we like some members who can make servers.The leader of this clan is *rAgE*borat.

Go to Clan website to apply or make a application.

Btw rage stands for Random Angry Gaming Elites.
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Good luck with the clan :)
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thanks man
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Good luck
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hey brahma, mind helping us get one of our servers on the 1.1 masterserver list? ip address i havent heard that it is banned. other people can connect to it fine, its just that it doesnt register on the list it no error just does a
looking up assault.cubers.net...
looking up assault.cubers.net...
looking up assault.cubers.net...
can you please manually register it?? thanks a bunch!
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Good luck :D
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JGAN, not really the place to post it:P
but good luck.
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ya i know but it was worth it XD
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Clan *rAgE* now is recruting better members now, so if you think your good give it a try

also we are hosting a clan tournament soon :D
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clan *rAgE* limited members down to 20 members now, we got around 15 members so apply if you havent
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Gl with the clan. =)
I rly wanna have a clan match agenst *rAgE* ;-)
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yea we could have a clan match, go to our website and make a post about it
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Okej ill do it soon.
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ACK NO!! i dont feel like being raped XD
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man jgan y u so scared of taking on a challenge?
Dont listen to this scary cat and we will accept your challenge
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