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*U|C* Clan
Well I have decided to take one more shot at creating a clan. So UC stands for Unrelenting Cubers. Unrelenting means to not let up, or back down, to be determined. I love mapping , so that'll be the base of the clan, so if you love to map aswell, join me. But I still will do clan battles also. I currently am Running 3 servers, so look to join them. Also a co-op edit one for anyone who wants to create a map.

Website- UnrelentingCubers.tk
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What happened to O2?
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o2|* and we're still here ;) Alive and Strong, he just left.
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oh lol .

good luck !
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Yeah I went back to another clan, but apparently they weren't "Dead" so they didn't let me back in ans they moved to another game
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The tag kinda reminds me of U| but anyway... Good luck.

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yeah I think it is just a copy of U|
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tbh it's U's fault for having such a short tag ;)
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-offtopic-Haha yeah, I'm waiting for a clan to have a tag suchas |HU| and see the hi-skill scores on U|'s;)

-ontopic- GL&HF.
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Ok the new tag is

*U|C* any objections?
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You might wanna edit that bit into the title ;)
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yeah probably, I'll do that now.
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You will show up in clansearch as U| with that tag too - for obvious reasons.
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It's fine, wouldn't be the first time a clan shows up under U| for clan search.
As long as the tag isn't "U|" I don't mind ;)
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