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*~-[pWs]-~* Recruiting
*~-[p]uRe [W]aNteD [s]oLjaZ-~*
a new squad lookn for gud ppl ta dominate clan site will be made SOON!!!!! we will be clan waring SOON!!!!!
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Your probably going to want a website with forums. And a chat, some type most people say IRC but I don't think it really matters.. Maybe a little more explanation too.

But nevertheless Good Luck and most importantly have fun.
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Good luck with your clan, You might want to shorten your tag as it takes up to many characters.
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MmMm Okay i can do that thankz
the tag jus gonna be pWs it jus got all dat stuff on it 4 decoration
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Gl I like the clan tag like this [pWs]*DeMoRaLiZe, but thats just a suggestion.
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-_- Okay,
Yeah, you better shorten the tag.
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...troll? No? If not, HF & GL.
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spekin realz eng iz a grat rad help dudez...
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