v1.2 Servers owners please read!
It is still the server owner's choice, for sure....But it is an annoyance to players when half of a custom map that was loaded comes up with 'content missing' textures.
If auto-download is enabled, then it will still try to find the content from akimbo, but because the file paths are different, it fails...So you basically end up dispensing a 'broken' map to everyone who plays there...
Converting the maps makes absolute sense for this reason...
Instead of having to modify pathways or content to make a map work (which will only fix your client and not everyone else), you can convert the map for 1.2 and people with auto-download enabled will get the content the map requires to be viewed as it was intended..
The reason I am trying to push for a better understanding of the convert_mapconfig.sh, is because (and I am guessing largely the reason for most people's resistance...), for large map collections the single map conversion process is quite cumbersome...
With the script you can commit a mass conversion to your entire servermaps folder and even set it to make the original files into .bak so you can recover them later if so desired...

As for usage, D3M0NW0LF, I am unsure how it plays out CygWin, but it has a self-contained help text if you run it with no options in a linux terminal...
Usage: convert_mapconfig.sh MAP_CONFIG_FILE(S)
This script will make a backup of specified map CFG files (into their existing
directory), then using SED it will modify the original map CFG file to be
compatible with the new packaging layout for AssaultCube.

It is suggested not to use this script twice on a file, as it may duplicate the
changes which could cause many errors.

This script can accept multiple map CFG files at once, as well as wild cards, as
well as files in different directories. For example:
    sh convert_mapconfig.sh ../packages/maps/yourmap.cfg ../../mapfolder/*.cfg

Options (must be placed before the CFG filenames):
-h, --help    This help message.
-r, --revert  Revert specified config file(s) to the current ".BAK" file.
-s, --strip   Strips the specified config file(s) of comments, invalid commands,
              leading/trailing spaces/tabs and blank lines.
  -os         Same as --strip, but no compatibility conversion takes place.
  -sp         Same as --strip, but preserves any comments made before the
              mapmodelreset command.
  -osp        Same as --strip, but preserves any comments made before the
              mapmodelreset command AND no compatibility conversion takes place.

I will look into the proper paths in Windows for CygWin usage, if possible....

But this worked for me from a terminal this way...
cd /home/unarmed/AssaultCube_v1.2.0.2/config
bash convert_mapconfig.sh /home/unarmed/AssaultCube_v1.2.0.2/packages/maps/servermaps/*.cfg
Using it this way will convert every file ending with .cfg, using the wild card *
Of course this pathway assumes you irresponsibly copied all of your maps straight into your servermaps folder and you wish to convert them there...If you were trying to convert from an older version it might instead look something like this...
bash convert_mapconfig.sh /home/unarmed/*.cfg
But, especially in the first case, make sure that NONE of the maps you convert have already been converted or they will become completely unusable...Running the wild card on the official maps folder is a sure way to break them...
Likewise, if you are unsure, but know of a particular map that is not converted, you can reference that map alone, instead of specifying the wild card option.
bash convert_mapconfig.sh /home/unarmed/AssaultCube_v1.2.0.2/packages/maps/servermaps/ac_somemap.cfg
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Messages In This Thread
v1.2 Servers owners please read! - by Cleaner - 12 Nov 13, 09:57AM
RE: v1.2 Servers owners please read! - by Jg99 - 12 Nov 13, 02:46PM
RE: v1.2 Servers owners please read! - by +f0r3v3r+ - 05 Feb 14, 09:35AM