Jamz PLEASE READ - about DES|Cleaner
Dear Talking_Shit, you should have know better (if you was a respectable member of this community that is)...

First of all don't accuse people without decent proofs, just a screenie of ingame talks is rubbish.

Next... You've met me ingame? Can't be! You have more chances to catch me on a SVN server testing stuff than anywhere else, I actually hardly play at all and when I do (once in a blue moon) I use aliases.

On a GEMA map? Yeah right! You must be having a giraffe!

As mentioned if and when I play it means I play, I'm there to have fun fraggin' your sorry ass, not to waste that precious time with futile talks.
Add to this that the language used here is certainly not the way I express myself. Don't get me wrong, I may throw here and there a "Fuck you moron!" when I encounter anti-gameplay behaviour but that's basically it.

My advice to you would be to think a little before you act, stop be such a pain or you may not last long here.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Jamz PLEASE READ - about DES|Cleaner - by Cleaner - 03 Aug 13, 10:26AM