31 Jan 12, 08:48PM
// Name: ChujCiDoTego
// Cheat: see through walls (and get advantage of it) and shoot through them sometimes
// Server: EF/ Fighters
// Proof, demo: http://lysios.free.fr/AC/TKTF_~%5bWE%5d~...1_2146.dmo (this was hard to prove, but you can clearly see him shooting through wall at 2 minutes remaining when he's in the corner of CLA base behind the boxes)
// IP: 95.49.197.x
// Cheat: see through walls (and get advantage of it) and shoot through them sometimes
// Server: EF/ Fighters
// Proof, demo: http://lysios.free.fr/AC/TKTF_~%5bWE%5d~...1_2146.dmo (this was hard to prove, but you can clearly see him shooting through wall at 2 minutes remaining when he's in the corner of CLA base behind the boxes)
// IP: 95.49.197.x