18 Jul 11, 04:25PM
(This post was last modified: 19 Jul 11, 08:35PM by Yarukinasu.)
// name: \GOD's/chronos
// date: July 18th, 2011
// reason: recoil cheat
// http://ompldr.org/vOWoxaw/20110718_14.56.11_gema_playergolem_CTF.png
// http://ompldr.org/vOWoxag/CTF_gema_playergolem_2011.07.18_0757.dmo // may be different player
I'm not sure about the proper term for the reason. The player joins shortly after the game starts. is the IP during the incident, but another player with the same alias has, and I'm not quite sure whether they are the same person or not. Also, \GLOBO/{alphax} falls on this range (187.34.24.x), and I'm not sure either whether the person is the same or not.
EDIT: This is the map, if anybody needs it... http://ompldr.org/vOWoxeg/gema_playergolem.zip
EDIT: It is now clear that he plays on 187.34.24.x range, so block the range if possible...