* Name: -HoG|avast
* IP: 186.213.x.x
* Date/Time : 26/06/2013 22:25H
* Server: : 1111
* Demos:http://www.mediafire.com/download/ugidyl179onm3gq/Allhack.zip
* Description: The player was using "allhack" and giving HeadShot, he not only used hack on my server and also already used on multiple servers, the private serveidor him to turn the hack, please take this player trapasseiro
Mod edit: Server blacklist removed and IP removed for cheat. This is not obvious.
* IP: 186.213.x.x
* Date/Time : 26/06/2013 22:25H
* Server: : 1111
* Demos:http://www.mediafire.com/download/ugidyl179onm3gq/Allhack.zip
* Description: The player was using "allhack" and giving HeadShot, he not only used hack on my server and also already used on multiple servers, the private serveidor him to turn the hack, please take this player trapasseiro
Mod edit: Server blacklist removed and IP removed for cheat. This is not obvious.