// Name: Trollarc.com
// Date: Sept. 22, 2012
// Reason: speed hack
// Proof: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20549168/CTF_ac...2_1729.dmo
// Server: =MyS= CTF http://www.myys.tk GER.B1
In the same demo, the player MULTIKOLOR-KAKA was cheating too, but I have not his IP, please server admin recover it.
BTW I really hatre cheaters (as you can see on my chatline in the demo :)
Mod edit: Corrected and completed IP - 86..., not 83... :)
// Date: Sept. 22, 2012
// Reason: speed hack
// Proof: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20549168/CTF_ac...2_1729.dmo
// Server: =MyS= CTF http://www.myys.tk GER.B1
In the same demo, the player MULTIKOLOR-KAKA was cheating too, but I have not his IP, please server admin recover it.
BTW I really hatre cheaters (as you can see on my chatline in the demo :)
Mod edit: Corrected and completed IP - 86..., not 83... :)