+1 to bunny. instead of just a premier league, maybe a B league? for intermediate teams like TgS and HyPE and dyH and .eQ| who, though not as good as the premier teams, are still pretty successful clans.

also i got an idea: clan races. sorta like how the tour de france runs. make a ladder for exactly one month. it can be open to anyone but have multiple teams consistently play it and which ever team gets the most points combined from their members at the end of the month gets the honors.

this way theres more than one way to prove clan dominance: either matches or pubs. while a clan like =MyS= came in second behind w00p this year for the premiers, they still have a chance to beat them in public games.

thumbs up? thumbs down?
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Messages In This Thread
RE: We want LEAGUES/LADDERS/COMPETITION - by MerCyKiL - 16 Jan 12, 07:28AM
RE: We want LEAGUES/LADDERS/COMPETITION - by ParryHotter - 19 Jan 12, 01:37AM
RE: We want LEAGUES/LADDERS/COMPETITION - by ParryHotter - 19 Jan 12, 02:08AM