19 Jan 12, 02:14AM
[16:50] <+Kakarrot> My parents make me pay for my setvice
[16:50] <+Kakarrot> Service
[16:50] <+Kakarrot> $50 a month
[16:50] <@Exia> that's a dumb hooker's job right there <:
[16:50] <+Kakarrot> Twinkie's suck
[16:50] <+sgtd> you suck Twinkies Rule
[16:50] <@Exia> oh yes kak does
[16:50] <+Kakarrot> Hostess needs to die
[16:51] <+sgtd> what is your job?
[16:51] <@Exia> paying 50 bucks to perform a "service"
[16:51] <@Exia> mhm
[16:51] <+Kakarrot> I cook meat
[16:51] <@Exia> he sucks ;D
[16:51] <+sgtd> lol...
[16:51] <+Kakarrot> At a resteraunt
[16:51] <@Exia> OH OFC MEAT
[16:51] <+sgtd> haha
[16:51] <@Exia> at a restraunt
[16:51] <+ChO> oh lol i thought he ssiad cock meat :P
[16:51] <@Exia> even more bold
[16:51] <@Exia> LOL
[16:51] <@Exia> LOOOOOOOOOL
[16:51] <+sgtd> hHahahah
[16:51] <+sgtd> ikr
[16:51] <@Exia> dude ChO
[16:51] <+Kakarrot> Its a 1337 smokehouse
[16:51] <@Exia> i was hinting that xD
[16:51] <+sgtd> lol..
[16:51] <@Exia> by 1337
[16:52] <@Exia> you mean hookers
[16:52] <+sgtd> i picked it up Exia xD
[16:52] <@Exia> like yourself
[16:52] <@Exia> ._.
[16:52] <@Exia> :D
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> Loo
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> L
[16:52] <@Exia> yes!
[16:52] <@Exia> Loo?
[16:52] <@Exia> Bathroom?
[16:52] <+sgtd> loool
[16:52] <@Exia> you do it THER now?
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:52] <@Exia> mhm sure
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> Theirs an old man in a nazi uniform in yours
[16:52] <+Jam> you cook cock meat in loo's?
[16:52] <+sgtd> ?
[16:52] <@Exia> LOOOOL
[16:52] <+sgtd> There's*
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> Take a ride on the tower power
[16:53] <+sgtd> u know it
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> Of*
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> Lol im not a hooker
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> Period
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> I work at a place called Southstreet smokehouse
[16:54] <+sgtd> TY Kakarrot
[16:54] <+sgtd> now i surely won't go there..
[16:54] <+Kakarrot> Considering its in indiana...
[16:52] <@Exia> ._.
[16:52] <@Exia> :D
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> Loo
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> L
[16:52] <@Exia> yes!
[16:52] <@Exia> Loo?
[16:52] <@Exia> Bathroom?
[16:52] <+sgtd> loool
[16:52] <@Exia> you do it THER now?
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:52] <@Exia> mhm sure
[16:52] <+Kakarrot> Theirs an old man in a nazi uniform in yours
[16:52] <+Jam> you cook cock meat in loo's?
[16:52] <+sgtd> ?
[16:52] <@Exia> LOOOOL
[16:52] <+sgtd> There's*
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> Take a ride on the tower power
[16:53] <+sgtd> u know it
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> Of*
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> Lol im not a hooker
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> Period
[16:53] <+Kakarrot> I work at a place called Southstreet smokehouse
[16:54] <+sgtd> TY Kakarrot
[16:54] <+sgtd> now i surely won't go there..
[16:54] <+Kakarrot> Considering its in indiana...
[16:54] <+Jam> when i go to Indiana to visit family, i'll make sure to stay far far away from it
[16:54] <+Kakarrot> Lol not lafayette
[16:55] <@Exia> SOMEONE
[16:55] <@Exia> QUOTE THIS
[16:55] <@Exia> NOW
[16:55] <@Exia> :D
[16:55] <+Jam> my family lives in a shitbox town
[16:55] <@Exia> SOOO FUNNY LOL
[16:55] <+Jam> you ever hear of Gary?
[16:55] <@Exia> so
[16:55] <+Kakarrot> I live in buttfucked no where
[16:55] <@Exia> your family lives in a box
[16:55] <+Kakarrot> Lol yea
[16:55] <@Exia> -Futurama-
[16:55] <+Kakarrot> In nothern indiana
[16:55] <@Exia> -universe in a box-
[16:55] <+sgtd> Kakarrot: what would you do if the manager needed his "pattie" cooked? He'd pay you rly good. xD
[16:55] <@Exia> LOOOL
[16:56] <@Exia> NO
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> Mo
[16:56] <+Jam> LOL
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:56] <+sgtd> lol
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:56] <@Exia> Kak's hooker name is Mo
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> Nononono
[16:56] <+Jam> o i see
[16:56] <+sgtd> MoMo
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:56] <@Exia> Mo pays her boss to give him a cooked patty.
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:56] <+Kakarrot> No
[16:56] * Kakarrot was kicked by SpamServ ([email protected]) Reason (Repeating yourself too often is against the channel rules.)
[16:56] <+Jam> MOMO that feels so good
[16:56] <+sgtd> ahahahah
[16:56] * Kakarrot ([email protected]) has joined #~TgS~
[16:56] * ChanServ sets mode +v Kakarrot for #~TgS~
[16:56] <@Exia> wb Momo<:
Sad when you have to pay to do your job. ;( Jokes to Kak. No literal offense ;(