01 Sep 11, 01:45PM
[22:37] <Snoosnoo> Hai :3
[22:37] <@RandumKiwi> hallo
[22:37] <Snoosnoo> How's it going Kiwi? :3
[22:38] <@RandumKiwi> all good, just playing with something
[22:39] <Snoosnoo> That's disgusting, Kiwi.
[22:39] <Snoosnoo> Dont wanna know
[22:39] <@RandumKiwi> Why? It looks pretty mean
[22:40] <@RandumKiwi> Here you go you disgusting bastard: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=20ebbbc
[22:40] <@RandumKiwi> how dare you turn a beautiful activity, into something terrible :'(
[22:40] <@RandumKiwi> that image, is what I'm playing with.
[22:41] <@Luc4s> this image makes you horny? :/
[22:41] <Snoosnoo> xD
[22:42] <@RandumKiwi> ...
[22:42] <@RandumKiwi> !?!?!?!
[22:42] * Luc4s was kicked by RandumKiwi ([email protected]) Reason (stop being mean :()
[22:42] * Snoosnoo was kicked by RandumKiwi ([email protected]) Reason (RandumKiwi)
[22:42] * RandumKiwi ([email protected]) has left #assaultcube