23 Aug 11, 12:08AM
(This post was last modified: 23 Aug 11, 12:15AM by Mai Mee Tur.)
[18:05:44] ilucky waffles HAI
[18:05:48] ilucky havent seen you in a while
[18:05:56] Waffles hey ilucky yeah i know
[18:05:58] Waffles got arrested
[18:06:04] Waffles spent a night in jail lol
[18:06:26] Waffles trespassing, drunk in public, public urination, skinny dipping
[18:06:32] Waffles luckily it's my first charge
[18:13:19] Waffles yeah
[18:13:24] Waffles wasn't a huge ofense
[18:13:26] Waffles offense*
[18:13:37] Waffles i accidentally pissed on the officer's foot
[18:13:54] Waffles i was using a bush as a port-o-john
[18:14:06] Waffles he grabs my shoulder and whips me around
[18:14:12] Waffles piss was errywhere
[18:14:26] Waffles he got pretty mad at that
[18:14:31] Waffles he had some shiny shoes on
[18:14:44] Waffles "not my fault you whirled a dude pissing around quickly"
[18:14:58] Waffles it's like one of those sprinklers
[18:15:08] Waffles tsh-tsh-tsh-tsh-tssssssshhhhhhhhh