29 Jul 11, 03:41PM
Quote:[16:38] <+|KH|MusicMan10> tell me castiel
[16:38] <+|KH|MusicMan10> how does it feel having 99% of the community behind u
[16:38] <+ExodusS> because he is a guy like you
[16:39] <+|KH|MusicMan10> wat
[16:39] <+|KH|MusicMan10> stfu exoduss lol
[16:39] <+ExodusS> but in your case (as in Castiel case) the 1% who like you is the same
[16:39] <+ExodusS> i let you guess who :p
[16:39] <+|KH|MusicMan10> undead
[16:39] <+|KH|MusicMan10> |:D
[16:39] <+ExodusS> gg
[16:40] <+|KH|MusicMan10> gg