12 Jun 11, 03:43AM
Quote:<Waffles> urse teh specabr otipc
<Mr_OpTic> whythough
<Mr_OpTic> lol
<Gibstick> AtLeastUseCamelCase
<Gibstick> JeezSaveOurEyesALittleBitOk?
<LlamaDemon> LlamaCaseInMyCase
<Mr_OpTic> Waffles, i bet you cant spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Can you?
<Gibstick> LoLoLoLoL
<Gibstick> pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<Gibstick> I spelled it
<Waffles> pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<Waffles> there
<LlamaDemon> p
<LlamaDemon> n
<LlamaDemon> e
<Mr_OpTic> :<
<LlamaDemon> u
<LlamaDemon> m
<Mr_OpTic> NO
<LlamaDemon> o
<Mr_OpTic> no
<LlamaDemon> n
<Gibstick> oh gawd
<Mr_OpTic> NO
<LlamaDemon> o
* SpamServ has kicked LlamaDemon from #=SA= (Flooding the channel is against the channel rules.)
<Mr_OpTic> yeahh
<Gibstick> lol
<Waffles> thank jesus