15 May 11, 11:49PM
* MeanWhile in AC IRC *
[17:37] <Duckett> Is Larry Hawt?
[17:39] <Duckett> Larry, are you hawt?
[17:41] <Roflcopter> Ask your mother
[17:42] <Roflcopter> :D
[17:42] <Roflcopter> (In legacy I made endless your mother jokes.)
[17:43] <Duckett> kk
[17:43] <Roflcopter> Would you like to play SVN or just 1,1?
[17:44] <Duckett> *Duckett joins 610 chat to find that who he thought was "YourMother" was actually named "YourSister" and has quit AC, as stated http://forum.cubers.net/thread-3100.html
[17:44] <Duckett> *
[17:44] <Roflcopter> Yeah, I heard that this morning
[17:44] <Duckett> Larry, do you have a picture?
[17:45] <Duckett> Of yourself
[17:45] <Duckett> So I can determine your hawtness
[17:45] <Duckett> I have a picture of myself
[17:45] <Duckett> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://biographymini.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Justin-Bieber-Profile.jpg&imgrefurl=http://biographymini.com/justin-bieber-profile/&usg=__oFOFr_skkG0QPrXNbg07oafxpPY=&h=525&w=350&sz=72&hl=en&start=0&sig2=SHNqPzm5bg5E_cEdFNMoGQ&zoom=1&tbnid=uGXtnGhGCHM0zM:&tbnh=188&tbnw=125&ei=ilfQTfjlH4Lo0QGX19ngDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3DImages%2Bof%2BJustin%2BBieber%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D1022%26bih%3D661%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divnso&itbs=1&ia
[17:46] <Roflcopter> That's the result of a Google search
[17:46] <Duckett> That's me
[17:46] <Duckett> You leik
[17:46] <Duckett> ???
[17:46] <Roflcopter> Haven't clicked it but I guess it's Bieber?
[17:46] <Duckett> No, Silly
[17:46] <Duckett> it's Beaver
[17:47] <Duckett> Bieber's redheaded twin brother
[17:47] <Duckett> With a Mustache
[17:47] <Roflcopter> I see
[17:47] <Duckett> Yes
[17:47] <Duckett> you leik?