14 Dec 10, 04:28AM
lurking in Exodus server IRC and saw this guy. I thought I should share his discussion with the IRC bot:
Quote:[13:43] <ACIRCBot2> There are no players in-game at this time.
[13:53] <ACIRCBot2> Player donuts_rock joined the game
[13:53] <ACIRCBot2> Match started: team one shot, one kill on map ac_arctic (1 players, 10 minutes remaining)
[13:53] <ACIRCBot2> Host: Spamming, of any kind, is not okay.
[13:54] <ACIRCBot2> donuts_rock: okay dude
[13:54] <ACIRCBot2> donuts_rock: wat is your name
[13:54] <ACIRCBot2> donuts_rock: well no spamming dude
[13:55] <ACIRCBot2> donuts_rock: fine dick
[13:55] <ACIRCBot2> Host: Check out our website at www.exoduscommunity.com
[13:55] <ACIRCBot2> donuts_rock: no u watch your language
[13:55] <ACIRCBot2> donuts_rock: man u suck
[13:55] <ACIRCBot2> donuts_rock: jk
[13:55] <ACIRCBot2> Player donuts_rock left the game