02 Nov 10, 05:50PM
[00:58] <+GhostE_> MusicMan
[00:58] <+GhostE_> Have you ever been to boot camp?
[00:58] <+GhostE_> Or Prison?
[00:58] <+GhostE_> Maybe Juvi
[00:59] <@|KH|MusicMan10> no
[00:59] <+GhostE_> Well
[00:59] <+GhostE_> Actually nevermind
[01:00] <@|KH|MusicMan10> wat
[01:00] <+GhostE_> spamma's gong to get on my ass if I say anything else
[01:00] <+GhostE_> The kid like you Mm10
[01:00] <+GhostE_> I hope you treat him with respect
[01:00] <@|KH|MusicMan10> who spamma?
[01:00] <@|KH|MusicMan10> idk what even happened
[01:01] <+GhostE_> Never mind
[01:02] <+GhostE_> I know that you know exactly what I'm telling you. You're just trying to act cool.
[01:02] <+GhostE_> I was once a little trouble maker too Mm10
[01:02] <+GhostE_> and don't you forget it
[01:02] <@|KH|MusicMan10> yes i obviously tell people shit on the internet so that they think im cool and will respect me