And to add to that post! ;D
<Gibstick> he's only doing the GhostE___ thing to copy makkE
<MusicMan10> lol
<Gibstick> and he puts the underscore because he thinks the more underscores you have the cooler you are
<aPanDa> any dev got an opinion on my freeze tdm idea?
* LINUX-N00B is back so RUN
<Gibstick> like, the chevrons of rank
=-= Gibstick is now known as Gibstick___
<Gibstick___> Oh yeah.
=-= Gibstick___ is now known as Gibstick
<LINUX-N00B> lol its like enlarging your p3nis
<aPanDa> join =MyS= we have actual chevron lookalikes
<aPanDa> :>
<Gibstick> LOL
<Gibstick> phailus
<GhostE__> Gibstick: cunt
<GhostE__> I agree with the E at the end'
<GhostE__> but the underscore was because I wanted to.
<Gibstick> ok
<Gibstick> it's sometimes fashionable in XBL GT's
<LINUX-N00B> any linux users out there now?
=-= aPanDa is now known as PandE
<Gibstick> Ask Toca
<PandE> hope people dont confuse me with pandel now :P
<GhostE__> gg.
<GhostE__> LOL
<GhostE__> PandE xD
<GhostE__> gg
=-= Gibstick is now known as GibstickE
=-= PandE is now known as pannE
<pannE> :X
<GhostE__> ?
=-= MusicMan10 is now known as MusicManE
<GhostE__> XD
=-= Andrez|SCOM is now known as AndrezE
=-= GibstickE is now known as GibbE
<AndrezE> Yeee!!
<GhostE__> Here we goo.
=-= DES|GenDisarray is now known as gdE
<GhostE__> LOL
<LINUX-N00B> ...
<GibbE> hoyl shit
<LINUX-N00B> screw you GhostE__
<AndrezE> come LINUX-N00B join E!!
<gdE> it's the *E hour
<GhostE__> Quotes thread?
<pannE> this is spaaaaarta^W makke lookalike
<LINUX-N00B> its all your fault
<GibbE> lol
<GibbE> LINUX-NOOB turn into
=-= LINUX-N00B is now known as LINUXE
<GibbE> Linux-NoobE
=-= AndrezE is now known as Pandrez
<Pandrez> D:
<GibbE> no the e has to be capital
<gdE> nah gotta be lower case with E at the end man
=-= LINUXE is now known as linux-n00bE
<gdE> n1
=-= Pandrez is now known as PandrezE
<GhostE__> How about adriAn?
<GhostE__> GhostA__
<GhostE__> ;D
=-= linux-n00bE is now known as cornE
<GibbE> lol
<cornE> hey say my name outloud
<GibbE> how about
<GhostE__> LOL
<pannE> btw panne is german for wacky.. (if used as a verb) :)
<GhostE__> :)
<GibbE> hehehehe
<cornE> ?
<PandrezE> Ok what about RandumGuys now?
<GhostE__> \:D
<GibbE> let's try that
=-= pannE is now known as RandumPanda
=-= GibbE is now known as RandumStick
=-= PandrezE is now known as RandumAndrez
=-= DES|Bukz is now known as DES|BukzE
<RandumAndrez> Rofl
=-= YOU are now known as RandumGhostE
<RandumStick> NO BUKZ
<RandumStick> YOU RUINED IT
=-= cornE is now known as RandumwikE
<DES|BukzE> :-s
<RandumStick> loool
<RandumGhostE> :P
<DES|BukzE> D:
<RandumPanda> i like this, we should keep it up
=-= MusicManE is now known as RandumFuckUAll
* RandumwikE chaos on the Assaultcube E
* RandumwikE chaos on the Assaultcube IRC
<RandumAndrez> Kiwi is gonna have a heart attack now
<RandumwikE> yea where is he
<RandumGhostE> lol.
<RandumStick> lol
<RandumGhostE> This is going in the quotes.
<RandumGhostE> for sure.
<RandumAndrez> screening
<RandumAndrez> hold on
<RandumGhostE> ;D
<RandumwikE> lol
<RandumwikE> ok
=-= RandumwikE is now known as RandumWikE
<RandumStick> now what
=-= gdE is now known as randumgdE
<RandumGhostE> Who else shall we mock....
<RandumGhostE> hmmm
<RandumWikE> damn we cant mock brahma he is too plane XD
<RandumWikE> plain*}
<RandumGhostE> :P
<RandumGhostE> We can all be named a beer
<RandumAndrez> the randum epicness
<RandumWikE> ^like
=-= DES|BukzE is now known as DES|Bukz
=-= RandumWikE is now known as millertimelite
<RandumStick> Andrez
<RandumStick> put GD in it
=-= millertimelite is now known as budweisertime
=-= Mode #assaultcube -v randumgdE by RandumStick
<RandumAndrez> sheez
<RandumStick> ok
<RandumAndrez> didn't see it
<RandumStick> I made it easier for you
<RandumStick> let's mock Zarj
=-= RandumStick is now known as Gibstick_afk
<RandumGhostE> Lol
<RandumGhostE> LEts do it
=-= YOU are now known as Ghost_afk
=-= RandumFuckUAll is now known as MusicMan_afk
=-= RandumAndrez is now known as Andrez_afk
=-= budweisertime is now known as kitty_afk
<kitty_afk> shit now who is how wXD
=-= randumgdE is now known as gd_afk
<Gibstick_afk> No impersonating
<Gibstick_afk> fix name linux noob
<MusicMan_afk> yer
<kitty_afk> ah ok sorry
=-= kitty_afk is now known as linux_afk
<harpsthefox> miller lite and budweiser are really light beers
<Gibstick_afk> better
<harpsthefox> becks imported is a good choice
<Gibstick_afk> harps catch on will you
<harpsthefox> simple, nice tasting
<Gibstick_afk> or else we will mock you
<Andrez_afk> duff owns
=-= MusicMan_afk is now known as musicthefox
<harpsthefox> duff man is insecure
=-= Gibstick_afk is now known as Gibstickthefo
<musicthefox> lolusomad
=-= Gibstickthefo is now known as Gibthefox
=-= gd_afk is now known as gdthefox
=-= YOU are now known as Ghostthefox
=-= Andrez_afk is now known as andrezthefox
<Ghostthefox> gg harps
<musicthefox> gg
<Gibstick> he's only doing the GhostE___ thing to copy makkE
<MusicMan10> lol
<Gibstick> and he puts the underscore because he thinks the more underscores you have the cooler you are
<aPanDa> any dev got an opinion on my freeze tdm idea?
* LINUX-N00B is back so RUN
<Gibstick> like, the chevrons of rank
=-= Gibstick is now known as Gibstick___
<Gibstick___> Oh yeah.
=-= Gibstick___ is now known as Gibstick
<LINUX-N00B> lol its like enlarging your p3nis
<aPanDa> join =MyS= we have actual chevron lookalikes
<aPanDa> :>
<Gibstick> LOL
<Gibstick> phailus
<GhostE__> Gibstick: cunt
<GhostE__> I agree with the E at the end'
<GhostE__> but the underscore was because I wanted to.
<Gibstick> ok
<Gibstick> it's sometimes fashionable in XBL GT's
<LINUX-N00B> any linux users out there now?
=-= aPanDa is now known as PandE
<Gibstick> Ask Toca
<PandE> hope people dont confuse me with pandel now :P
<GhostE__> gg.
<GhostE__> LOL
<GhostE__> PandE xD
<GhostE__> gg
=-= Gibstick is now known as GibstickE
=-= PandE is now known as pannE
<pannE> :X
<GhostE__> ?
=-= MusicMan10 is now known as MusicManE
<GhostE__> XD
=-= Andrez|SCOM is now known as AndrezE
=-= GibstickE is now known as GibbE
<AndrezE> Yeee!!
<GhostE__> Here we goo.
=-= DES|GenDisarray is now known as gdE
<GhostE__> LOL
<LINUX-N00B> ...
<GibbE> hoyl shit
<LINUX-N00B> screw you GhostE__
<AndrezE> come LINUX-N00B join E!!
<gdE> it's the *E hour
<GhostE__> Quotes thread?
<pannE> this is spaaaaarta^W makke lookalike
<LINUX-N00B> its all your fault
<GibbE> lol
<GibbE> LINUX-NOOB turn into
=-= LINUX-N00B is now known as LINUXE
<GibbE> Linux-NoobE
=-= AndrezE is now known as Pandrez
<Pandrez> D:
<GibbE> no the e has to be capital
<gdE> nah gotta be lower case with E at the end man
=-= LINUXE is now known as linux-n00bE
<gdE> n1
=-= Pandrez is now known as PandrezE
<GhostE__> How about adriAn?
<GhostE__> GhostA__
<GhostE__> ;D
=-= linux-n00bE is now known as cornE
<GibbE> lol
<cornE> hey say my name outloud
<GibbE> how about
<GhostE__> LOL
<pannE> btw panne is german for wacky.. (if used as a verb) :)
<GhostE__> :)
<GibbE> hehehehe
<cornE> ?
<PandrezE> Ok what about RandumGuys now?
<GhostE__> \:D
<GibbE> let's try that
=-= pannE is now known as RandumPanda
=-= GibbE is now known as RandumStick
=-= PandrezE is now known as RandumAndrez
=-= DES|Bukz is now known as DES|BukzE
<RandumAndrez> Rofl
=-= YOU are now known as RandumGhostE
<RandumStick> NO BUKZ
<RandumStick> YOU RUINED IT
=-= cornE is now known as RandumwikE
<DES|BukzE> :-s
<RandumStick> loool
<RandumGhostE> :P
<DES|BukzE> D:
<RandumPanda> i like this, we should keep it up
=-= MusicManE is now known as RandumFuckUAll
* RandumwikE chaos on the Assaultcube E
* RandumwikE chaos on the Assaultcube IRC
<RandumAndrez> Kiwi is gonna have a heart attack now
<RandumwikE> yea where is he
<RandumGhostE> lol.
<RandumStick> lol
<RandumGhostE> This is going in the quotes.
<RandumGhostE> for sure.
<RandumAndrez> screening
<RandumAndrez> hold on
<RandumGhostE> ;D
<RandumwikE> lol
<RandumwikE> ok
=-= RandumwikE is now known as RandumWikE
<RandumStick> now what
=-= gdE is now known as randumgdE
<RandumGhostE> Who else shall we mock....
<RandumGhostE> hmmm
<RandumWikE> damn we cant mock brahma he is too plane XD
<RandumWikE> plain*}
<RandumGhostE> :P
<RandumGhostE> We can all be named a beer
<RandumAndrez> the randum epicness
<RandumWikE> ^like
=-= DES|BukzE is now known as DES|Bukz
=-= RandumWikE is now known as millertimelite
<RandumStick> Andrez
<RandumStick> put GD in it
=-= millertimelite is now known as budweisertime
=-= Mode #assaultcube -v randumgdE by RandumStick
<RandumAndrez> sheez
<RandumStick> ok
<RandumAndrez> didn't see it
<RandumStick> I made it easier for you
<RandumStick> let's mock Zarj
=-= RandumStick is now known as Gibstick_afk
<RandumGhostE> Lol
<RandumGhostE> LEts do it
=-= YOU are now known as Ghost_afk
=-= RandumFuckUAll is now known as MusicMan_afk
=-= RandumAndrez is now known as Andrez_afk
=-= budweisertime is now known as kitty_afk
<kitty_afk> shit now who is how wXD
=-= randumgdE is now known as gd_afk
<Gibstick_afk> No impersonating
<Gibstick_afk> fix name linux noob
<MusicMan_afk> yer
<kitty_afk> ah ok sorry
=-= kitty_afk is now known as linux_afk
<harpsthefox> miller lite and budweiser are really light beers
<Gibstick_afk> better
<harpsthefox> becks imported is a good choice
<Gibstick_afk> harps catch on will you
<harpsthefox> simple, nice tasting
<Gibstick_afk> or else we will mock you
<Andrez_afk> duff owns
=-= MusicMan_afk is now known as musicthefox
<harpsthefox> duff man is insecure
=-= Gibstick_afk is now known as Gibstickthefo
<musicthefox> lolusomad
=-= Gibstickthefo is now known as Gibthefox
=-= gd_afk is now known as gdthefox
=-= YOU are now known as Ghostthefox
=-= Andrez_afk is now known as andrezthefox
<Ghostthefox> gg harps
<musicthefox> gg