28 Aug 10, 05:31AM
[09:26] <sentimental> ok!
[09:27] <sentimental> so wanything else
[09:27] <Xu|Anarchist> Social securtiy number
[09:27] <Xu|Anarchist> House adress
[09:27] <Xu|Anarchist> Credit card number
[09:27] <Xu|Anarchist> Paypal password.
[09:27] <sentimental> um im 13 yrs old
[09:27] <Xu|Anarchist> I'd also like you to sign this legally binding contract that states if I kill you I get your kidneys.
[09:28] <Xu|Anarchist> Please.
[09:28] <sentimental> i gtg
[09:28] * sentimental has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)