I Need Beta Testers! (Mappers Preferred)
That's the cool thing about the map generator: If you are opposed to automated map generation, you can avoid using it! Heck, you could even avoid playing on maps that are contributed to using it! But I am glad you like the maptools for what they are.
And yes, I now have a preliminary heightfield randomizer that makes smooth vdelta edits, thanks to Ronald_Reagan for his help.

@Lantry: That much about lights I guessed; to a subtle degree, lights that are in "outside" rooms are brighter than lights that are "inside." Should I make the difference bigger?

@D1551D3N7: This is made for the current SVN, not the beta released by flowtron earlier. X-Ray_Dog discovered while testing for me that plugging this into the Beta will not do much of anything at all since the entire script is set to run in the onNewMap alias, which is ignored by the beta. However, there are many idents used in this script that the current SVN can use, while the beta will give error messages for if run individually.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: I Need Beta Testers! (Mappers Preferred) - by V-Man - 29 Sep 11, 10:32PM